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Slot Machine Return Percentages in Jean & Primm, Nevada


The following table ranks the Jean and Primm casinos according to the looseness of their video display reeled nickel slot machines. For those who are not up on their southern Nevada geography, Jean and Primm lay about 30 and 40 miles south west of Las Vegas on the I-15. They cater to the southern California gamblers who want to gamble as soon as they cross the state line and don't want to drive the extra half hour to Vegas.

An explanation of the methodology can be found in Appendix 3A ranking the Las Vegas casinos.


Jean/Primm 5 cent machines

Rank Casino Location Average
1 Gold Strike Jean 91.58%
2 Nevada Landing Jean 91.11%
3 (tie) Whiskey Pete's Primm 90.08%
3 (tie) Primm Valley Primm 90.08%
3 (tie) Buffalo Bills Primm 90.08%


Observations: It is probably not a coincidence that the three Primm casinos are tied. They are all MGM/Mirage casinos and share a common monorail system. They also have a very similar slot mix. Of the five machines I looked for I found the same four at all three casinos. The Nevada Landing and Gold Strike are both Mandalay Bay casinos and very much alike. The only reason they differ in return is likely due only to the slot machine mix. Machines that I found at both properties were set to the same return. However I found one variety of machine at the Gold Strike I didn't find at the Nevada Landing, which had a higher than average return.


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