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The Ten Commandments of Gambling
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Thou shalt not cheat
No explanation necessary.
Thou shalt honor thy gambling debts
A true gentleman honors his debts, especially gambling debts. When making a bet with another person you are putting your honor on the line. If you lose, you pay. No excuses!
Thou shalt expect to lose
The Las Vegas Strip was not built by winners. Even with good rules and strategy the odds are still usually in the casino’s favor. So don’t get mad if you lose. Think of it as the price you pay for entertainment.
Thou shalt trust the odds, not hunches
If you want to maximize your odds then believe in mathematically proven strategies, not hunches. If hunches are so great why are there so many psychics working the Boardwalk in Atlantic City as opposed to playing?
Thou shalt not over-bet thy bankroll
Before you gamble determine what you can safely afford to gamble with - as entertainment money. Stick to your limits and don’t gamble with money you need for necessities.
Thou shalt not believe in betting systems
For every one legitimate gambling writer there are a hundred charlatans trying to sell worthless betting systems promising an easy way to beat the casinos. I know it sounds like a cliché, but if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Thou shalt not hedge thy bets
Hedge bets usually carry a high house edge. For example, never take insurance in blackjack and never bet the any craps or any seven in craps. Exceptions can be made for insuring life changing amounts of money.
Thou shalt covet good rules
Rules vary from casino to casino. To improve your odds know good rules from bad and then seek out the best rules possible.
Thou shalt not make side bets
Side bets are sucker bets. Period.
Thou shalt have good gambling etiquette
Gambling is a lot more fun when people are polite and respect each other. It is also good etiquette to tip for good service.
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- Los Diez Mandamientos de las Apuestas: Spanish translation of this page.