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Monkey 6 Tie


Monkey 6 Tie is a side bet offered on Monkey Baccarat, a commission-free form of the game, that pushes a winning 3-card Banker 7. The rules are below.

As of this writing, in November 2019, I am aware of a placement at the Commerce Casino in the Los Angeles area.


As usual when writing about baccarat, I capitalize the names of the Player and Banker bets and use lower case to refer to those playing the game, to avoid confusion.

A "Monkey" in baccarat is a term for any face card. A 10 is not considered a Monkey for purposes of the Monkey 6 side bet.

  1. The Monkey 6 Tie can be found on games titled Monkey Baccarat.
  2. Eight decks are used.
  3. Monkey Baccarat follows standard baccarat drawing rules, which I assume the reader is familiar with.
  4. Banker wins in Monkey Baccarat pay even money, except a 3-card winning Banker total of 7 is a push.
  5. The Monkey 6 Tie side bet wins if all of the following conditions are met:
    • A total of six cards are in play, between the Player and Banker hands.
    • The Player's third card is not a Monkey.
    • The Banker's third card is a Monkey.
    • The Player and Banker tie.
  6. Wins pay 150 to 1.


The following table shows my analysis of the Monkey 6 Tie baccarat. The lower right cell shows that when wins pay 150 to 1 the house edge is 12.29%.

Monkey 6 Tie Return Table

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Win 150 29,035,119,366,144 0.005809 0.871333
Loss -1 4,969,363,156,137,220 0.994191 -0.994191
Total   4,998,398,275,503,360 1.000000 -0.122858

The following table shows the house edge for every pay from 130 to 160 to 1, by tens.

Monkey 6 Tie House Edge

Win Pays House Edge
130 23.90%
140 18.09%
150 12.29%
160 6.48%

Effect of Removal

The advanced readers *ahem* may be interested in the effect of removing any given card from the shoe. The following table shows the effect on the player's expected return by removing a single card from the shoe (so positive is good for the player). I'll leave further analysis on the topic as an exercise for the reader.

Effect of Removal

Win Pays House Edge
10 -0.0000094
Ace 0.0000012
2 0.0000031
3 0.0000116
4 0.0000154
5 0.0000168
6 0.0000201
7 0.0000255
8 0.0000255
9 0.0000204
Face -0.0000433

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Monkey 6 side bet.