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Power Baccarat 98


Baccarat 98 is a baccarat variant offered at the Marina Bay Sands casino in Singapore. It plays like conventional baccarat, except a die is used to randomly increase certain wins.


Unless otherwise noted, the rules in this page refer to "version 3.2" of game. Three previous versions were known to exist. That said, all rules are the same as baccarat, except as noted. To avoid confusion, I capitalize the names of the bets, including Player, when referring to the bet, and use lower case when referring to the person playing the game.

  1. Eight decks of cards are used.
  2. Bets available are:
    • Player
    • Banker
    • Tie
    • Player pair
    • Banker pair
    • Player natural 8
    • Player natural 9
    • Banker natural 8
    • Banker natural 9.
  3. After wagers have been made, a die will be rolled. If the die lands on three, then the current hand shall be referred to as a "Power Hand," with greater wins in some situations.
  4. The following table shows the pay table according to whether it is a power hand or normal hand.

    Power Baccarat 98 Pay Table

    Bet Regular Hand Power Hand
    Player 1 1.05*
    Banker 0.95 1*
    Tie 8 10
    Banker pair 11 15
    Player pair 11 15
    Player winning natural 8 8 9
    Player winning natural 9 8 9
    Banker winning natural 8 8 9
    Banker winning natural 9 8 9

    Note: Power hand wins for Player and Banker bets are only eligible on natural 8 and 9 wins. Other wins to be paid at the "regular hand" rate.

  5. Bets on any natural winner may be limited to the amount of the Player or Banker bet.
  6. I don't know exactly where the cut card is placed, but I understand it is not as deep as conventional baccarat, to protect the Natural 8 and 9 bets from card counters.


The following table shows the possible outcomes of the Player bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 1.10%.

Player Bet

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on natural 8 or 9 1.05 812,685,054,124,032 0.027098 0.028453
Any other win 1 12,570,424,641,429,500 0.419148 0.419148
Tie 0 2,853,764,558,839,300 0.095156 0.000000
Loss -1 13,753,515,398,627,300 0.458597 -0.458597
Total   29,990,389,653,020,100 1.000000 -0.010996

The following table shows the possible outcomes of the Banker bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 0.92%.

Banker Bet

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on natural 8 or 9 1 812,685,054,124,032 0.027098 0.027098
Any other win 0.95 12,940,830,344,503,200 0.431499 0.409924
Tie 0 2,853,764,558,839,300 0.095156 0.000000
Loss -1 13,383,109,695,553,500 0.446247 -0.446247
Total   29,990,389,653,020,100 1.000000 -0.009224

The following table shows the possible outcomes of the Player bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 1.10%.

Player Bet

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on natural 8 or 9 1.05 812,685,054,124,032 0.027098 0.028453
Any other win 1 12,570,424,641,429,500 0.419148 0.419148
Tie 0 2,853,764,558,839,300 0.095156 0.000000
Loss -1 13,753,515,398,627,300 0.458597 -0.458597
Total   29,990,389,653,020,100 1.000000 -0.010996

The following table shows the possible outcomes of the Tie bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 13.63%.

Tie Bet

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on 8 or 9 tie 10 110,025,470,735,104 0.003669 0.036687
Any other tie 8 2,743,739,088,104,190 0.091487 0.731898
Loss -1 27,136,625,094,180,800 0.904844 -0.904844
Total   29,990,389,653,020,100 1.000000 -0.136259

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either Pair bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 9.60%.

Pair Bets

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on pair of 8s or 9s 15 992 0.001915 0.028730
Other pair 11 37,696 0.072783 0.800618
Loss -1 479,232 0.925301 -0.925301
Total   517,920 1.000000 -0.095953

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either winning natural 8 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 29.73%.

Natural 8 Bets

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 8 9 383,162,433,871,872 0.012776 0.114986
Any other win on natural 8 8 1,915,812,169,359,360 0.063881 0.511047
Loss -1 27,691,415,049,788,900 0.923343 -0.923343
Total 0 29,990,389,653,020,200 1.000000 -0.297310

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either Natural 9 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 21.23%.

Natural 9 Bets

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 9 9 429,522,620,252,160 0.014322 0.128898
Any other win on natural 9 8 2,147,613,101,260,800 0.071610 0.572880
Loss -1 27,413,253,931,507,200 0.914068 -0.914068
Total   29,990,389,653,020,200 1.000000 -0.212290


Following is a summary of the house edge of each type of bet offered. The lowest is on the Banker at 0.92%.


Bet House Edge
Player 1.10%
Banker 0.92%
Tie 13.63%
Pairs 9.60%
Natural 8s 29.73%
Natural 9s 21.23%

Version 3.1 Rules

From about June to September 2012 the rules were different on the natural 8 and 9 bets. I refer to this period as the version 3.1 rules. The only difference between the 3.1 and 3.2 rules is that under 3.1 the natural 8 and 9 bets didn't have to win, and under 3.2 they do. The pay table remains the same. Here are the return tables for the natural bets under version 3.1.

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either natural 8 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 13.35%.

Natural 8 Bets

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 8 9 8160 0.015755 0.141798
Any other win on natural 8 8 40800 0.078777 0.630213
Loss -1 468960 0.905468 -0.905468
Total   517920 1.000000 -0.133457

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either Natural 9 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 13.01%.

Natural 9 Bets

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 9 9 8192 0.015817 0.142354
Any other win on natural 9 8 40960 0.079086 0.632685
Loss -1 468768 0.905097 -0.905097
Total   517920 1.000000 -0.130059

Version 2 Rules

Prior to June 4 the rules were the same, except for the natural 8 and 9 bets. Under these "version 2" rules of the game all four natural bets had to win, but paid more. Here are the specific rules for those bets.

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either winning natural 8 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 7.37%.

Winning Natural 8 Bets — Version 2

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 8 11.5 2,262,788,096 0.012776 0.146926
Any other win on natural 8 11 11,313,940,480 0.063881 0.702690
Loss -1 163,533,266,304 0.923343 -0.923343
Total   177,109,994,880 1.000000 -0.073727

The following table shows the possible outcomes of either Natural 9 bet before the die is shaken. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 4.76%.

Winning Natural 9 Bets — Version 2

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Power win on Natural 9 10.5 2,536,570,880 0.014322 0.150381
Any other win on natural 9 10 12,682,854,400 0.071610 0.716100
Loss -1 161,890,569,600 0.914068 -0.914068
Total   177,109,994,880 1.000000 -0.047586

Outside Links

Game rules at the Marina Bay Sands, from the Singapore Casino Regulatory Authority.