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San Diego Roulette


The California Constitution states that the ball and wheel alone may not determine the outcome in roulette. Here is what they are doing in the greater San Diego area, to comply.


A single-zero roulette wheel is used, the only one in the San Diego area. There is also a 37-card deck, numbered 0 to 36. Three cards are dealt from the deck and placed in regions on the table identified as "1-12", "13-24", and "25-36". The range the ball lands in (0-12, 13-24, or 25-36) determines which card is flipped over, which is used to resolve all bets.


Harrah's used to use a bingo hopper, containing 76 balls, two each of every ball numbered 1 to 36 plus 0 and 00. A ball is drawn which corresponds to the spin for betting purposes.

I heard the machine broke. What they are using instead, if anything, I don't know.


The roulette wheel has 38 slots, identified by color only. The distribution of colors is 12 red, 12 white, 12 blue, and 2 green. There is also a 38-card deck, with one card each for all 38 possible outcomes in double-zero roulette. Four cards are dealt from the deck and placed on colored regions of the table, one for each color on the wheel. The color the ball lands in determines which card is flipped over, which determines the spin for betting purposes. There is an additional bet called "Super Green", which pays 275 to 1 if the ball lands in green and the 0 or 00 card is drawn. The probability of winning is (2/38)*(2/38) = 0.28% and the house advantage is 23.55%.

Pauma, Sycuan

One card dealt from a 38-card deck, to represent a double-zero roulette wheel.

Harrah's Rincon, Pechanga, Valley View, Viejas

38 cards are placed in a horizontal big six type of wheel. Dealer pulls out card where the flapper stops.

Please don't write to me and say that Harrah's uses a hopper and numbered balls. They got rid of that in lieu of the card wheel years ago.

La Posta, Golden Acorn, Santa Ysabel, Pechanga, Valley View

No roulette offerred.

San Diego Area Roulette House Edge Summary

Between November 30 and December 1, 2008, I surveyed all 11 casinos in greater San Diego area for the odds offered in craps, among other things. The following table shows my results.



San Diego Area Roulette Survey

Casino Zeros House Edge
Barona 1 2.703%
Viejas 2 5.263%
Pauma 2 5.263%
Sycuan 2 5.263%
Harrah's 2 5.263%
Pala 2 5.263%
Valley View 2 5.263%
Pechanga 2 5.263%
La Posta No roulette N/A
Golden Acorn No roulette N/A
Santa Ysabel No roulette N/A


Disclaimer: The Barona Casino hired me to perform surveys of San Diego casinos for backjack, roulette, and craps. The table above summarizes my findings.

Other Games Surveyed in San Diego



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