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Sweet 16


Sweet 16

Sweet Sixteen is a blackjack side bet I noticed at the Las Vegas Club in April 2001. It is played with a six-deck shoe and pays based on the player's first two cards. The following table shows each paying hand, the probability, payoff, and contribution to the total return.


Sweet Sixteen

Hand Probability Pays Return
16-21 points 0.31907 1 to 1 0.63814
One ace 0.142468 1 to 1 0.284937
Two aces 0.005689 2 to 1 0.017067
Pair 2's-7's 0.034133 Push 0.034133
Total 0.50136   0.974277

The lower right cell shows a return of 97.43%, for ahouse edge of 2.57%. Here is the house edge for other numbers of decks.

  • 1 deck: 3.62%
  • 2 decks: 2.99%
  • 4 decks: 2.68%
  • 8 decks: 2.52%