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Super Sevens


Super Sevens/Crazy Sevens/Lucky Sevens is a blackjack side bet based on the player's first three cards. If the first card is a seven, the player wins. The winnings increase for two or three consecutive sevens and even more if the sevens are suited.

This analysis assumes that if the player gets two sevens and splits, then his first card to the first hand will count towards a possible three-card seven.

What is not always clear is what happens if the player has two sevens and the dealer gets a blackjack. I assume that the player is paid for two sevens with no chance for a third card. I can say this is definitely the rule with Lucky Sevens. However, I analyzed the game both ways below.



The following pay table shows all the different ways to win. There are separate pay tables for Super Sevens and Crazy Sevens, which are indicated in separate columns. All wins are on a "to one" basis.

Pay Table

Event Super
7-7-7 suited 5000 2000 500
7-7-7 500 500 100
7-7 suited 100 150 50
7-7 50 25 25
7 3 5 3

Rule Variants:

  • If player has two sevens and dealer has a blackjack, does the player get a third card for purposes of the side bet only?
  • If the player gets two sevens and splits, what happens?

Super Sevens


The following table shows an analysis of the Super Sevens bet assuming six decks and the player is guaranteed a third card, including after a split and when the dealer has a blackjack. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 11.40%.

Super Sevens — Six Decks — Three-Card Guarantee

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 5000 480 0.000016 0.079787
7-7-7 500 11,664 0.000388 0.193883
7-7 suited 100 34,560 0.001149 0.114894
7-7 50 124,416 0.004136 0.206809
7 3 2,142,720 0.071234 0.213703
Loser -1 27,766,080 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   30,079,920 1.000000 -0.114000

The next table shows an analysis of the Super Sevens bet assuming six decks and the player is capped at two cards if the dealer has a blackjack. If the player splits, the next card shall still count towards triple-seven wins. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 12.61%.

Super Sevens — Six Decks — No Three-Card Guarantee

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 5000 21,735,360 0.000015 0.075924
7-7-7 500 528,169,248 0.000369 0.184496
7-7 suited 100 1,650,654,720 0.001153 0.115319
7-7 50 5,942,356,992 0.004151 0.207574
7 3 101,963,473,920 0.071234 0.213703
Loser -1 1,321,276,682,880 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   1,431,383,073,120 1.000000 -0.126061

The next table shows the house edge of the Super Sevens side bet according to the number of decks and whether or not the player is guaranteed a third card if the dealer has a blackjack.

Super Sevens — Summary

Decks Gurantee No Guarantee
4 15.92% 16.97%
5 13.25% 14.39%
6 11.40% 12.61%
8 9.01% 10.29%

Crazy Sevens


The following table shows an analysis of the Crazy Sevens bet assuming six decks and the player is guaranteed a third card, including after a split and when the dealer has a blackjack. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 6.54%.

Crazy Sevens — Six Decks — Three-Card Guarantee

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 2000 480 0.000016 0.031915
7-7-7 500 11,664 0.000388 0.193883
7-7 suited 150 34,560 0.001149 0.172341
7-7 25 124,416 0.004136 0.103405
7 5 2,142,720 0.071234 0.356171
Loser -1 27,766,080 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   30,079,920 1.000000 -0.065362

The next table shows an analysis of the Crazy Sevens bet assuming six decks and the player is capped at two cards if the dealer has a blackjack. If the player splits, the next card shall still count towards triple-seven wins. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 7.53%.

Crazy Sevens — Six Decks — No Three-Card Guarantee

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 2000 21,735,360 0.000015 0.030370
7-7-7 500 528,169,248 0.000369 0.184496
7-7 suited 150 1,650,654,720 0.001153 0.172978
7-7 25 5,942,356,992 0.004151 0.103787
7 5 101,963,473,920 0.071234 0.356171
Loser -1 1,321,276,682,880 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   1,431,383,073,120 1.000000 -0.075275

The next table shows the house edge of the Crazy Sevens side bet according to the number of decks and whether or not the player is guaranteed a third card if the dealer has a blackjack.

Crazy Sevens — Summary

Decks Gurantee No Guarantee
4 10.09% 11.01%
5 7.97% 8.93%
6 6.54% 7.53%
8 4.71% 5.74%

Lucky Sevens

Lucky Sevens is a version of this side bet in use by BetConstruct live dealer blackjack game. They do not deal a third card if the dealer has a blackjack. The following table shows the Lucky Sevens pay table and analysis, based on the eight decks they use. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 49.88% (ouch!).

Lucky Sevens — Eight Decks — No Three-Card Guarantee

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 500 108,839,808 0.000018 0.008949
7-7-7 100 2,301,184,512 0.000378 0.037844
7-7 suited 50 7,345,594,368 0.001208 0.060400
7-7 25 25,184,894,976 0.004142 0.103543
7 3 432,811,524,096 0.071177 0.213531
Loser -1 5,613,024,453,120 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   6,080,776,490,880 1.000000 -0.498810

Here is the house edge of the Lucky Sevens pay table for other numbers of decks.

  • Four decks — 51.25%
  • Five decks — 50.71%
  • Six decks — 50.34%
  • Eights decks — 49.88%

Espresso Games Rules

Espresso Games software offers a Lucky 7 side bet in one of their blackjack games, which follows this format. They use eight decks and I presume no three-card guarantee. The following table shows their pay table and all the odds. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 7.83%.

Espresso Games Rules

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
7-7-7 suited 3000 108,839,808 0.000018 0.053697
7-7-7 500 2,301,184,512 0.000378 0.189218
7-7 suited 150 7,345,594,368 0.001208 0.181200
7-7 50 25,184,894,976 0.004142 0.207086
7 3 432,811,524,096 0.071177 0.213531
Loser -1 5,613,024,453,120 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   6,080,776,490,880 1.000000 -0.078344

Internal Links

For a huge list of all kinds of blackjack side bets, please see my blackjack side bets page.