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Super 4


Super 4 is a progressive blackjack side bet based on the four cards consisting of the player's and dealer's initial two cards. There are at least four known versions. In both, the player wins on a dealer blackjack. The amount of the win depends on the poker value of all four cards. The wager costs a flat $5 to make.


  1. The side bet can be based on any ordinary blackjack game using 52-card decks.
  2. There are three versions. In all of them, all wins require at least a dealer face up card of an ace. In version 1, the dealer must have a blackjack. In versions 2 and 3, all wins except a dealer ace up require a dealer blackjack.
  3. The bet amount is $5.
  4. The pay tables are as follows. All wins are on a "for one" basis, meaning the player's bet is not returned, even on a win.

    Super 4 Pay Table

    Event Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
    Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 100% of Jackpot Yellow jackpot Star jackpot
    Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 10% of Jackpot Red jackpot Spade jackpot
    Three of a kind $750 $750 Blue jackpot Heart jackpot
    Straight $500 $400 Green jackpot Club jackpot
    Flush $400 $300 $250 $300
    Two pair $300 $200 $200 $200
    All same color $100 $100 $100 $100
    Pair $75 $50 $50 $50
    Dealer blackjack $25 $25 $25 $25
    Dealer ace up $- $10 $10 $10
    Random jackpot n/a n/a n/a Diamond Jackpot

Version1 Analysis

The following three tables show my analysis of pay table 1 for 5, 6, and 8 decks. Some statistics about the progressive follow each table.

Version Table 1 — 5 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 7,500 0.000001680 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 22,500 0.000005039 y
Three of a kind $750 2,188,800 0.000490208 0.073531
Straight $500 1,890,000 0.000423288 0.042329
Flush $400 3,075,600 0.000688817 0.055105
Two pair $300 2,284,800 0.000511708 0.030702
All same color $100 22,230,000 0.004978672 0.099573
Pair $75 58,960,000 0.013204791 0.198072
Dealer blackjack $25 121,520,000 0.027215845 0.136079
Loser $- 4,252,866,840 0.952479952 0.000000
Total   4,465,046,040 1.000000000 0.635392+x+y
  • Fixed return: 63.54%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.18%
  • Breakeven meter: $834,866.69

Version Table 1 — 6 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 15,552 0.000001673 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 46,656 0.000005020 y
Three of a kind $750 4,663,296 0.000501716 0.075257
Straight $500 3,919,104 0.000421650 0.042165
Flush $400 6,458,112 0.000694817 0.055585
Two pair $300 4,817,664 0.000518324 0.031099
All same color $100 46,324,224 0.004983942 0.099679
Pair $75 123,171,840 0.013251843 0.198778
Dealer blackjack $25 251,983,872 0.027110504 0.135553
Loser $- 8,853,294,960 0.952510512 0.000000
Total   9,294,695,280 1.000000000 0.638116+x+y
  • Fixed return: 63.81%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.18%
  • Breakeven meter: $831,849.54

Version Table 1 — 8 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 49,152 0.000001665 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 147,456 0.000004995 y
Three of a kind $750 15,237,120 0.000516192 0.077429
Straight $500 12,386,304 0.000419614 0.041961
Flush $400 20,729,856 0.000702271 0.056182
Two pair $300 15,544,320 0.000526599 0.031596
All same color $100 147,308,544 0.004990409 0.099808
Pair $75 392,888,320 0.013309977 0.199650
Dealer blackjack $25 796,393,472 0.026979623 0.134898
Loser $- 28,117,647,936 0.952548656 0.000000
Total   29,518,332,480 1.000000000 0.641524+x+y
  • Fixed return: 64.15%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.16%
  • Breakeven meter: $828,014.15

Version 2 Analysis


The following three tables show my analysis of version 2 for 5, 6, and 8 decks. Some statistics about the progressive follow each table.

Version 2 — 5 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 7,500 0.000001680 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 22,500 0.000005039 y
Three of a kind $750 2,188,800 0.000490208 0.073531
Straight $400 1,890,000 0.000423288 0.033863
Flush $300 3,075,600 0.000688817 0.041329
Two pair $200 2,284,800 0.000511708 0.020468
All same color $100 22,230,000 0.004978672 0.099573
Pair $50 58,960,000 0.013204791 0.132048
Dealer blackjack $25 121,520,000 0.027215845 0.136079
Dealer ace up $10 237,375,480 0.053163053 0.106326
Loser $- 4,015,491,360 0.899316899 0.000000
Total   4,465,046,040 1.000000000 0.643218+x+y
  • Fixed return: 64.32%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.18%
  • Breakeven meter: $816,947.22

Version 2 — 6 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 15,552 0.000001673 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 46,656 0.000005020 y
Three of a kind $750 4,663,296 0.000501716 0.075257
Straight $400 3,919,104 0.000421650 0.033732
Flush $300 6,458,112 0.000694817 0.041689
Two pair $200 4,817,664 0.000518324 0.020733
All same color $100 46,324,224 0.004983942 0.099679
Pair $50 123,171,840 0.013251843 0.132518
Dealer blackjack $25 251,983,872 0.027110504 0.135553
Dealer ace up $10 494,276,400 0.053178333 0.106357
Loser $- 8,359,018,560 0.899332179 0.000000
Total   9,294,695,280 1.000000000 0.645518+x+y
  • Fixed return: 64.55%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.18%
  • Breakeven meter: $814,835.65

Version 2 — 8 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds 100% of Jackpot 49,152 0.000001665 x
Royal flush 10% of Jackpot 147,456 0.000004995 y
Three of a kind $750 15,237,120 0.000516192 0.077429
Straight $400 12,386,304 0.000419614 0.033569
Flush $300 20,729,856 0.000702271 0.042136
Two pair $200 15,544,320 0.000526599 0.021064
All same color $100 147,308,544 0.004990409 0.099808
Pair $50 392,888,320 0.013309977 0.133100
Dealer blackjack $25 796,393,472 0.026979623 0.134898
Dealer ace up $10 1,570,298,688 0.053197405 0.106395
Loser $- 26,547,349,248 0.899351251 0.000000
Total   29,518,332,480 1.000000000 0.648399+x+y
  • Fixed return: 64.84%
  • Return per $10,000 in meter: 2.16%
  • Breakeven meter: $812,133.57

Version 3 Analysis


The following three tables show my analysis of pay table 3 for 5, 6, and 8 decks. Some statistics about the progressive follow each table.

Pay Table 3 — 5 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Yellow jackpot 7,500 0.0000017 w
Royal flush Red jackpot 22,500 0.0000050 x
Three of a kind Blue jackpot 2,188,800 0.0004902 y
Straight Green jackpot 1,890,000 0.0004233 z
Flush $250 3,075,600 0.0006888 0.034441
Two pair $200 2,284,800 0.0005117 0.020468
All same color $100 22,230,000 0.0049787 0.099573
Pair $50 58,960,000 0.0132048 0.132048
Dealer blackjack $25 121,520,000 0.0272158 0.136079
Dealer ace up $10 237,375,480 0.0531631 0.106326
Loser $- 4,015,491,360 0.8993169 0.000000
Total   4,015,491,360 1.0000000 0.528936+w+x+y+z

The return is 52.89% plus 0.34% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.01% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 9.80% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.47% for each $1,000 in the green meter.

Pay Table 3 — 6 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Yellow jackpot 15,552 0.000001673 w
Royal flush Red jackpot 46,656 0.000005020 x
Three of a kind Blue jackpot 4,663,296 0.000501716 y
Straight Green jackpot 3,919,104 0.000421650 z
Flush $250 6,458,112 0.000694817 0.034741
Two pair $200 4,817,664 0.000518324 0.020733
All same color $100 46,324,224 0.004983942 0.099679
Pair $50 123,171,840 0.013251843 0.132518
Dealer blackjack $25 251,983,872 0.027110504 0.135553
Dealer ace up $10 494,276,400 0.053178333 0.106357
Loser $- 8,359,018,560 0.899332179 0.000000
Total   8,359,018,560 1.000000000 0.52958+w+x+y+z

The return is 52.96% plus 0.33% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.00% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 10.03% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.43% for each $1,000 in the green meter.

Version 3 — 8 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Yellow jackpot 49,152 0.000001665 w
Royal flush Red jackpot 147,456 0.000004995 x
Three of a kind Blue jackpot 15,237,120 0.000516192 y
Straight Green jackpot 12,386,304 0.000419614 z
Flush $250 20,729,856 0.000702271 0.035114
Two pair $200 15,544,320 0.000526599 0.021064
All same color $100 147,308,544 0.004990409 0.099808
Pair $50 392,888,320 0.013309977 0.133100
Dealer blackjack $25 796,393,472 0.026979623 0.134898
Dealer ace up $10 1,570,298,688 0.053197405 0.106395
Loser $- 26,547,349,248 0.899351251 0.000000
Total   26,547,349,248 1.000000000 0.530378+w+x+y+z

The return is 53.04% plus 0.33% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.00% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 10.32% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.39% for each $1,000 in the green meter.

Version 4 Analysis


Version 4 has a fifth "mystery" progressive that goes off randomly. I do not know any details on how that works, except that the jackpot was at $265 on April 26 at the Maryland Live casino. The following three tables show my analysis of version 4 for 5, 6, and 8 decks. Some statistics about the progressive follow each table.

Following is my analysis of Version 4 with 5 Decks.

Version 4 — 5 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Star jackpot 7,500 0.0000017 ?
Royal flush Spade jackpot 22,500 0.0000050 ?
Three of a kind Heart jackpot 2,188,800 0.0004902 ?
Straight Diamond jackpot 1,890,000 0.0004233 ?
Flush Club jackpot 3,075,600 0.0006888 0.041329
Two pair $200 2,284,800 0.0005117 0.020468
All same color $100 22,230,000 0.0049787 0.099573
Pair $50 58,960,000 0.0132048 0.132048
Dealer blackjack $25 121,520,000 0.0272158 0.136079
Dealer ace up $10 237,375,480 0.0531631 0.106326
Loser $- 4,015,491,360 0.8993169 0.000000
Total   4,015,491,360 1.0000000 0.535824

The return is 53.58% plus 0.34% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.01% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 9.80% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.47% for each $1,000 in the green meter, plus an unknown amount for the diamond meter.

Following is my analysis of Version 4 with Six Decks.

Pay Table 4 — 6 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Star jackpot 15,552 0.0000017  
Royal flush Spade jackpot 46,656 0.0000050  
Three of a kind Heart jackpot 4,663,296 0.0005017  
Straight Diamond jackpot 3,919,104 0.0004216  
Flush Club jackpot 6,458,112 0.0006948 0.041689
Two pair $200 4,817,664 0.0005183 0.020733
All same color $100 46,324,224 0.0049839 0.099679
Pair $50 123,171,840 0.0132518 0.132518
Dealer blackjack $25 251,983,872 0.0271105 0.135553
Dealer ace up $10 494,276,400 0.0531783 0.106357
Loser $- 8,359,018,560 0.8993322 0.000000
Total   8,359,018,560 1.0000000 0.536528

The return is 52.96% plus 0.33% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.00% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 10.03% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.43% for each $1,000 in the green meter, plus an unknown value for the diamond meter.

Following is my analysis of Version 4 with Eight Decks.

Version 4 — 8 Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush in diamonds Star jackpot 49,152 0.0000017 ?
Royal flush Spade jackpot 147,456 0.0000050 ?
Three of a kind Heart jackpot 15,237,120 0.0005162 ?
Straight Diamond jackpot 12,386,304 0.0004196 ?
Flush Club jackpot 20,729,856 0.0007023 0.042136
Two pair $200 15,544,320 0.0005266 0.021064
All same color $100 147,308,544 0.0049904 0.099808
Pair $50 392,888,320 0.0133100 0.133100
Dealer blackjack $25 796,393,472 0.0269796 0.134898
Dealer ace up $10 1,570,298,688 0.0531974 0.106395
Loser $- 26,547,349,248 0.8993513 0.000000
Total   26,547,349,248 1.0000000 0.537401

The return is 53.04% plus 0.33% for every $10,000 in the yellow meter, plus 1.00% for each $10,000 in the red meter, plus 10.32% for each $1,000 in the blue meter, plus 8.39% for each $1,000 in the green meter, plus an unknown amount for the diamond meter.

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