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Pair Play


Pair Play

Pair Play is a simple side bet by Pala Interactive that pays 11 to 1 if the player's first two cards form a pair. It is mathematically the same as the two pair bets in baccarat.


The following table shows the possible outcomes in a six-deck game, the number used in the Side Bet Blackjack game by Pala Interactive. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 11.25%

Pair Play — Six Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Win 11 3,588 0.073955 0.813505
Lose -1 44,928 0.926045 -0.926045
Total   48,516 1.000000 -0.112540

The next table shows the house edge only for various numbers of decks.

Pair Play — House Edge

Decks House
1 29.41%
2 18.45%
3 14.84%
4 13.04%
5 11.97%
6 11.25%
8 10.36%