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Lucky Ladies


Lucky Ladies is one of the most popular blackjack side bets ever. It started in Washington state and now can be found in casinos all over the place. The idea is that any player 20-point hand wins something. Certain twenties, especially those involving two queens pay more. I've seen various versions through the years, which I label as A, B, C, D, and E. There is also a progressive version called Bonus Lucky Ladies.

A word about terminology. A "matched pair" means the same card in both rank and suit.

Lucky Ladies — Pay Tables A and B

Hand Table A Table B
Q of hearts pair & dealer has BJ 1000 to 1 1000 to 1
Q of hearts pair 125 to 1 200 to 1
Matched 20 19 to 1 25 to 1
Suited 20 9 to 1 10 to 1
Unsuited 20 4 to 1 4 to 1

Lucky Ladies — Pay Table C

Hand Table C
Pair of queens with dealer BJ 250 to 1
Pair of queens 25 to 1
Ranked 20 9 to 1
Suited 20 6 to 1
Any 20 3 to 1

Lucky Ladies — Pay Table D

Hand Pays
Queen of hearts pair 100 to 1
Matched 20 30 to 1
Suited 20 10 to 1
Any 20 3 to 1
One queen 1 to 1

Lucky Ladies — Pay Table E

Hand Pays
Queen of hearts pair 100
Matched 20 25
Suited 20 10
Any 20 3
Queen of hearts 2
Any other queen 1

Following is the pay table for the progressive Pay Table F.

Lucky Ladies — Pay Table F

Hand Pays
Queen of hearts pair + dealer BJ Jackpot
Queen of hearts pair 25
Suited 20 10
Unsuited 20 2

Analysis of Pay Table A

The next table is an analysis of pay table A with six decks. The lower right cell shows a return of 75.29%, or a house edge of 24.71%.

Lucky Ladies Pay Table A — 6 decks

Hand Permutations Probability Pays Return
Q of hearts pair & dealer has BJ 135360 0.000015 1000 to 1 0.014563
Q of hearts pair 2738340 0.000295 125 to 1 0.036827
Matched 20 (same rank and suit) 43105500 0.004638 19 to 1 0.088115
Suited 20 193112640 0.020777 9 to 1 0.186990
Unsuited 20 744863040 0.080139 4 to 1 0.320554
Non-20 8310740400 0.894138 Loss -0.894138
Total 9294695280 1.000000   -0.247089



Analysis of Pay Table B


The next table is an analysis of pay table B with six decks. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 17.64%.

Lucky Ladies Pay Table B — 6 decks

Hand Permutations Probability Pays Return
Q of hearts pair & dealer has BJ 1,000 135,360 0.000015 0.014563
Q of hearts pair 200 2,738,340 0.000295 0.058923
Matched 20 (same rank and suit) 25 43,105,500 0.004638 0.115941
Suited 20 10 193,112,640 0.020777 0.207767
Unsuited 20 4 744,863,040 0.080139 0.320554
Non-20 -1 8,310,740,400 0.894138 -0.894138
Total   9,294,695,280 1.000000 -0.176391

Analysis of Pay Table C


The next table is an analysis of pay table C with one deck, which is what pay table C was designed for. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 29.89% (ouch!).

Lucky Ladies Pay Table C — 1 deck

Hand Permutations Probability Pays Return
Pair of queens with dealer BJ 1344 0.000207 250 to 1 0.051713
Pair of queens 28056 0.004318 25 to 1 0.107951
Ranked 20 88200 0.013575 9 to 1 0.122172
Suited 20 137200 0.021116 6 to 1 0.126697
Any 20 411600 0.063348 3 to 1 0.190045
Non-20 5831000 0.897436 Loss -0.897436
Total 6497400 1   -0.298858

Analysis of Pay Table D


The next table is an analysis of pay table D with six decks. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 13.34%.

Lucky Ladies Pay Table D — 6 decks

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Queen of hearts pair 100 15 0.000309 0.030918
Matched 20 30 225 0.004638 0.139129
Suited 20 10 1,008 0.020777 0.207767
Any 20 3 3,888 0.080139 0.240416
One queen 1 5,184 0.106851 0.106851
Loser -1 38,196 0.787287 -0.787287
Total   48,516 1.000000 -0.062206

Analysis of Pay Table E


Following is my analysis of pay table E, based on six decks.

Lucky Ladies Pay Table E — 6 decks

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Queen of hearts pair 100 15 0.000309 0.030918
Matched 20 25 225 0.004638 0.115941
Suited 20 10 1,008 0.020777 0.207767
Any 20 3 3,888 0.080139 0.240416
Queen of hearts 2 1,296 0.026713 0.053426
Any other queen 1 3,888 0.080139 0.080139
Loser -1 38,196 0.787287 -0.787287
Total   48,516 1.000000 -0.058682

House Edge Summary


The next table summarizes the house edge for versions A through D for one to eight decks.

Lucky Ladies — Summary

Decks Pay Table A Pay Table B Pay Table C Pay Table D Pay Table E
1     29.89%    
2 30.05% 24.94% 25.51% 12.66% 11.37%
4 26.04% 19.46% 23.35% 7.82% 7.24%
5 25.24% 18.37% 22.92% 6.86% 6.42%
6 24.71% 17.64% 22.64% 6.22% 5.87%
8 24.05% 16.73% 22.28% 5.42% 5.19%

Bonus Lucky Ladies


Bonus Lucky Ladies is a $1 progressive side bet. I first noticed it on June 5, 2015 at the Palace Casino in La Center, Washington. Following is the pay table table. All wins are on a "for one" basis, meaning the player does not get his original wager returned on a win.

Bonus Lucky Ladies — Pay Table

Player Dealer Pays
Queen of hearts pair Dealer BJ in hearts 100% of Jackpot
Queen of hearts pair Dealer suited BJ (not hearts) 25% of Jackpot
Queen of hearts pair Dealer BJ (not suited) 5% of Jackpot
Queen of hearts pair Anything else $125
Matched 20 Anything $19
Suited 20 Anything $9

The next table shows the probability and return of each event, based on six decks. A question mark means a variable win, depending on the jackpot size.

Bonus Lucky Ladies — Return TableExpand

Player Dealer Pays Combinations Probability Return
Queen of hearts pair Dealer BJ in hearts ? 1,980 0.0000009 ?
Queen of hearts pair Dealer suited BJ (not hearts) ? 6,480 0.0000028 ?
Queen of hearts pair Dealer BJ (not suited) ? 25,380 0.0000109 ?
Queen of hearts pair Anything else $125 684,585 0.0002946 0.0368267
Matched 20 Anything $19 10,776,375 0.0046376 0.0881153
Suited 20 Anything $9 48,278,160 0.0207767 0.1869899
Loser   $0 2,263,900,860 0.9742765 0.0000000
Total     2,263,900,860 1.0000000 0.3119318

The table above shows the fixed wins return 31.19%. Each $10,000 in the meter will add 2.13% to the return. To reach break-even the jackpot would need to reach $328,372.59.

Analysis of Pay Table F

Following is my analysis of the progressive pay table F, based on six decks. Wins are on a "for one" basis.

Pay Table F Analysis ‐ Six Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Queen of hearts pair + dealer BJ Jackpot 33,840 0.000015 ?
Queen of hearts pair 25 684,585 0.000295 0.007365
Suited 20 10 59,054,535 0.025414 0.254143
Unsuited 20 2 186,215,760 0.080139 0.160277
Loser 0 2,077,685,100 0.894138 0.000000
Total   2,323,673,820 1.000000 0.421785 + ?

The following table shows a return to player of 42.18%, not including the value of the jackpot. For every 10,000 bets units in the jackpot, the return increases by 14.56%.

I saw this as a "red light" $1 bet at the Rampart on January 29, 2021. At the time, the jackpot was $17,347.43. That would make the return at that time and place 42.18% + 14.56% × $17347/$10000 = 67.44%.