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Video Poker Strategy Calculator


The following table shows the results when following perfect strategy (basic strategy and all of the exceptions):

Perfect Strategy Analysis
HandPayoffCombinationsProbabilityHit FrequencyVarianceReturn
Royal Flush800491,854,6200.00002540,526.6715.750.019740
Straight Flush502,154,468,2040.0001089,
Four of a Kind8049,643,712,4200.002491401.5315.560.199240
Full House6163,847,257,9560.008220121.660.210.049319
Three of a Kind31,559,233,151,4480.07822312.780.330.234668
Two Pair12,172,335,996,7360.1089819.180.000.108981
Jacks or Better14,579,168,127,8320.2297254.350.000.229725

The following table shows the results when following basic strategy only (not its exceptions):

Basic Strategy Analysis
HandPayoffCombinationsProbabilityHit FrequencyVarianceReturn
Royal Flush800488,386,5840.00002540,814.4515.640.019601
Straight Flush502,147,458,3440.0001089,
Four of a Kind8049,651,909,5960.002491401.4615.560.199273
Full House6163,877,843,3400.008221121.630.210.049328
Three of a Kind31,559,609,956,8360.07824212.780.330.234725
Two Pair12,172,925,399,2840.1090109.170.000.109010
Jacks or Better14,586,175,649,8360.2300774.350.000.230077

The following table shows the basic strategy:

Basic Strategy
Type of Play Play Details
4 of a Kind
(more)2222; 3333; 4444; 5555; 6666; 7777; 8888; 9999; TTTT; JJJJ; QQQQ; KKKK...
Pat HandStraight Flush; Royal Flush
4 to a Royal FlushTJQA; TJQK; TJKA; TQKA; JQKA
3 of a Kind222; 333; 444; 555; 666; 777; 888; 999; TTT; JJJ; QQQ; KKK; AAA
Pat HandStraight; Flush
4 to a Straight Flush
(more)A234; A235; A245; A345; 2345; 2346; 2356; 2456; 3456; 3457; 3467; 3567...
1 PairJJ; QQ; KK; AA
2 Pair
(more)2233; 2244; 2255; 2266; 2277; 2288; 2299; 22TT; 3344; 3355; 3366; 3377...
3 to a Royal FlushTJA; TJQ; TJK; TQA; TQK; TKA; JQA; JQK; JKA; QKA
4 to a Flush
(more)2347; 2348; 2349; 234T; 234J; 234Q; 234K; 2357; 2358; 2359; 235T; 235J...
4 to a Straight9TJQ; TJQK
1 Pair22; 33; 44; 55; 66; 77; 88; 99; TT
3 to a Straight Flush9JQ
4 to a Straight2345; 3456; 4567; 5678; 6789; 789T; 89TJ; JQKA
3 to a Straight Flush89T; 89J; 8TJ; 8JQ; 9TJ; 9TQ; 9JK; 9QK
2 to a Royal FlushJQ; JK
3 to a Straight Flush345; 456; 567; 678; 789
2 to a Royal FlushQK
4 to a StraightTJQA; TQKA
4 to a Straight8TJQ; 9TJK; 9TQK; 9JQK; TJKA
2 to a Royal FlushJA; QA; KA
3 to a StraightJQK
4 to a Straight89JQ
3 to a Straight Flush
(more)A23; A24; A25; A34; A35; A45; 568; 578; 679; 689; 78T; 78J; 79T; 79J...
2 to a StraightJQ
3 to a Straight Flush234; 235; 245; 346; 356; 457; 467
2 to a StraightJK; QK
2 to a StraightQA; KA
2 to a Royal FlushTJ; TQ
2 to a StraightJA
Single Carda Jack; a Queen; a King; an Ace
3 to a Straight Flush236; 246; 256; 347; 357; 367; 458; 468; 478; 569; 579; 589; 67T; 68T; 69T
4 to a Straight
(more)2346; 2356; 2456; 3457; 3467; 3567; 4568; 4578; 4678; 5679; 5689; 5789...
GarbageDiscard everything

The following table shows the exceptions to the basic strategy:

Basic Strategy Exceptions
Right Play Wrong Play Pattern(s)
2 to a Royal Flush: TKSingle Card: a King
(more)2♣ 3♣ 4♦ 10♥ K♥
2 to a Royal Flush: TJ2 to a Straight: JK
(more)2♣ 3♣ 10♦ J♦ K♣
2 to a Royal Flush: TQ2 to a Straight: QA
(more)2♣ 3♣ 10♦ Q♦ A♥
2 to a Straight: JA2 to a Royal Flush: TJ
(more)2♣ 8♦ 10♣ J♣ A♦
4 to a Straight: 9JQK2 to a Royal Flush: JK
(more)2♣ 9♦ J♣ Q♦ K♣
4 to a Straight: TJKA2 to a Royal Flush: JK
(more)2♣ 10♦ J♣ K♣ A♦
4 to a Straight: 9JQK2 to a Royal Flush: QK
(more)2♣ 9♦ J♦ Q♣ K♣
4 to a Straight: TQKA2 to a Royal Flush: QK
(more)2♣ 10♦ Q♣ K♣ A♦
Single Card: a Queen2 to a Royal Flush: TQ
(more)2♣ 8♦ 9♦ 10♣ Q♣
3 to a Straight Flush: 6894 to a Straight: 89JQ6♣ 8♣ 9♣ J♦ Q♥
3 to a Straight Flush: 79T4 to a Straight: 9TQK7♣ 9♣ 10♣ Q♦ K♥
3 to a Straight Flush: 3452 to a Royal Flush: JK3♣ 4♣ 5♣ J♦ K♦
3 to a Straight Flush: 4562 to a Royal Flush: JK4♣ 5♣ 6♣ J♦ K♦
3 to a Straight Flush: 5672 to a Royal Flush: JK5♣ 6♣ 7♣ J♦ K♦
3 to a Straight Flush: 6782 to a Royal Flush: JK6♣ 7♣ 8♣ J♦ K♦