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Major Multipliers


Major Multipliers is a video poker variant added to multi-play video poker machines. If the player bets 1 to 5 credits per play, the game plays like conventional multi-play video poker. If he bets 10 credits per play, he enables the multiplier feature.


Following are the rules if the multiplier feature is enabled.

  1. In Jacks or Better based games, if the player is dealt jacks or better, a two pair or three of a kind, then he will be eligible for multipliers if he improves his hand on the draw to certain hands.
  2. In Deuces Wild based games, if the player is dealt a three of a kind, then he will be eligible for multipliers if he improves his hand on the draw to certain hands.
  3. In Jacks or Better based games, multipliers are awarded for improving to a two pair, three of a kind, full hour or four of a kind.
  4. In Deuces wild based games, multipliers are awarded for improving to a full house or better.
  5. Multipliers are 2x to 100x and determined randomly according to weighted tables.
  6. Wins are based on 5 credits bet per play.
  7. If multipliers would cause the player would win more with a lesser-ranked hand he qualifies for, then he shall be paid according to the scoring that pays more. For example, if the player would win more for a three of a kind than a full house, then any full house would be scored as a three of a kind.


In the example above, multipliers cause a three of a kind to pay 60 credits and a full house 18. The three hands above that form a full house are scored as a three of a kind, because they pay more.

Example Multiplier Weights

The following multipliers and weights are for 9/6 Jacks or Better. They will vary slightly according to the game and pay table. I list only one game and pay table lest this page be too long and boring.

The following table shows the available multipliers and weights for improving to a two pair on the draw. The average multiplier is 8.12.

Two Pair Multiplier Table

Multiplier Weight
2 49
6 24
10 19
30 6
100 2

The following table shows the available multipliers and weights for improving to a three of a kind on the draw. The average multiplier is 6.90.

Three of a Kind Multiplier Table

Multiplier Weight
2 2
5 5
8 8
20 20
100 100

The following table shows the available multipliers and weights for improving to a full house on the draw. The average multiplier is 5.77.

Full House Multiplier Table

Multiplier Weight
2 49
4 24
7 19
15 6
80 2

The following table shows the available multipliers and weights for improving to a four of a kind on the draw. The average multiplier is 3.76.

Four of a Kind Multiplier Table

Multiplier Weight
2 49
4 24
6 19
8 6
10 2




In the hand above, I was dealt a pair of jacks, which I held. 



The bottom hand improved to a two pair, which awarded a 10x multiplier, for a win of 5*2*10 = 100.  The top left hand improved to a three of a kind, which awarded a 2x multiplier, for a win of 5*3*2 = 30.  The other three hands didn't improve, for a win of 3*5=15.  My total win was 100+30+15=145. 


If the player is dealt anything that doesn't qualify for multipliers on the draw, then the strategy is exactly the same as that for conventional video poker for the same game and pay table.

However, if the player does qualify for multipliers it gets tricky. Let me break it down by situation.

Jacks or Better and Three Singletons


The following table shows the number of combinations and probability to drawing to all possible outcomes holding a high pair and discarding three singletons.

Hand on Draw Combinations Probability
Jacks or Better 11559 0.712858
Two pair 2592 0.159852
Three of a kind 1854 0.114339
Full house 165 0.010176
Four of a kind 45 0.002775
Total 16215 1.000000

I find that with a high pair the player should only consider keeping a kicker if the multiplier for a two pair is 100x and the other multipliers are low.

Two Pair Holding One Pair Only


The following table shows the number of combinations and probability to drawing to all possible outcomes holding a pair and discarding another pair and a singleton.

Hand on Draw Combinations Probability
Pair 11520 0.710453
Two pair 2629 0.162134
Three of a kind 1852 0.114215
Full house 169 0.010422
Four of a kind 45 0.002775
Total 16215 1.000000

Two Pair Holding Both

The following table shows the number of combinations and probability to drawing to all possible outcomes holding two pair and discarding a singleton.

Hand on Draw Combinations Probability
Two pair 43 0.914894
Full house 4 0.085106
Total 47 1.000000

The two tables above are shown to help you determine whether to break up a two pair. This should generally be done if there is a large multiplier for a three of a kind and a small one for a full house. You will have to do the math yourself according to the specific situation.

I find that with a high pair the player should only consider keeping a kicker if the multiplier for a two pair is 100x and the other multipliers are low.

Three of a Kind

The following table shows the number of combinations and probability to drawing to all possible outcomes holding a three of a kind and discarding two singletons.

Hand on Draw Combinations Probability
Three of a kind 969 0.896392
Full house 66 0.061055
Four of a kind 46 0.042553
Total 1081 1.000000

I find the only time the player should consider keeping a kicker with a three of a kind is if the multiplier for a full house is 100x and the multiplier for a four of a kind is low.

Video Poker Hand Analyzer

If in doubt, you can always use my video poker hand analyzer to determine the right play for any situation. Be sure to put in the win after applying the multiplier for the pay table.

Return Table

The following table shows the optimal strategy return for both 5-credit and 10-credit bets per play for all available games and pay tables.

Major Multipliers Return Table

Game Pay Table Base Return Feature Return
Super Double Bonus 9-5 0.996946 0.998185
Super Double Bonus 8-5 0.986863 0.990438
Super Double Bonus 7-5 0.977708 0.978953
Super Double Bonus 6-5 0.968710 0.970036
Double Double Bonus 9-6 0.989808 0.989824
Double Double Bonus 9-5 0.978729 0.984298
Double Double Bonus 8-5 0.967861 0.971736
Double Double Bonus 7-5 0.957120 0.958227
Double Double Bonus 6-5 0.946569 0.950779
Triple Double Bonus 9-7 0.995778 0.995964
Triple Double Bonus 9-6 0.981540 0.989029
Triple Double Bonus 9-5 0.970204 0.974589
Triple Double Bonus 8-5 0.959687 0.964244
Triple Double Bonus 7-5 0.949178 0.950941
Bonus Poker 8-5 0.991660 0.992025
Bonus Poker 7-5 0.980147 0.981301
Bonus Poker 6-5 0.968687 0.970057
Double Bonus Poker 9-7-5 0.991065 0.993283
Double Bonus Poker 9-6-5 0.978062 0.981513
Double Bonus Poker 9-6-4 0.963754 0.974373
Double Bonus Poker 9-5-4 0.952738 0.963979
Double Bonus Poker 8-5-4 0.941897 0.949114
Jacks or Better 9-6 0.995439 0.997163
Jacks or Better 9-5 0.984498 0.986715
Jacks or Better 8-5 0.972984 0.976743
Jacks or Better 7-5 0.961472 0.969271
Jacks or Better 6-5 0.949961 0.955089
Bonus Poker Deluxe 9-6 0.996417 0.997858
Bonus Poker Deluxe 9-5 0.985495 0.988458
Bonus Poker Deluxe 8-5 0.974009 0.974150
Bonus Poker Deluxe 7-5 0.962526 0.966679
Bonus Poker Deluxe 6-5 0.953611 0.954439
Deuces Wild 25-16-10-4-4-3 0.997283 0.954439
Deuces Wild 25-15-9-4-4-3 0.989131 0.989384
Deuces Wild 20-12-10-4-4-3 0.975791 0.978917
Deuces Wild 25-16-13-4-3-2 0.967651 0.968878
Deuces Wild 25-15-10-4-3-2 0.948182 0.955943
Deuces Wild Bonus 10-4-4-3 0.994502 0.996827
Deuces Wild Bonus 9-4-4-3 0.994502 0.996827
Deuces Wild Bonus 13-4-3-3 0.973644 0.973986
Deuces Wild Bonus 10-4-3-3 0.962183 0.963054
Deuces Wild Bonus 12-4-3-2 0.953368 0.958683
Super Bonus Deuces Wild 25-15-9-4-3 0.996684 0.998030
Super Bonus Deuces Wild 25-12-9-4-3 0.988366 0.989428
Super Bonus Deuces Wild 25-10-8-4-3 0.978713 0.979593
Super Bonus Deuces Wild 20-10-8-4-3 0.969435 0.969996


I would like to thank VideoPoker.com for the return table on this page and permission to use the screenshots from their web site.

External Links

Discussion about Major Multipliers in my forum at Wizard of Vegas.