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Double Action Roulette



I first saw Double Action Roulette at the 2012 Global Gaming Expo. I was told at the time it had just been installed at the M casino in Las Vegas.

The thrust of the game is two rings of numbers spin independently, and a ball lands in a spot between the two rings. This results in two winning outcomes. The player may bet on the outcome of the outer ring, inner ring, or a parlay bet on both.



As stated above, there are two rings of numbers: an outer and an inner. According to TCS John Huxley literature on the game, it is available in both a single-zero and a double-zero version.

For betting, instead of the usual 3 by 12 grid of numbers in standard roulette, Double Action Roulette has a 6 by 6 field. However, the bets and odds remain mostly the same when betting on a single outcome. Following are the specific bets available:

Single Ring Bets

The following bets may be made on either the inner or outer rings.

  • Single number. Pays 35 to 1.
  • Two numbers. Pays 17 to 1.
  • Four numbers. Pays 8 to 1.
  • Six numbers. Pays 5 to 1.
  • 12 numbers. Pays 2 to 1.
  • Eight numbers (0,00,1,2,3,4,5,6), available in double-zero format only. Pays 3 to 1.
  • Seven numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6), available in single-zero format only. Pays 4 to 1.

Double Ring Bets

The following bets work on parlays, where they must win on both rings.

  • Single number. Pays 1200 to 1.
  • Two red, black, odd, even, 1 to 18, 19 to 36. Pays 3 to 1.
  • First, second, or third dozen. Pays 8 to 1.
  • Eight numbers (0,00,1,2,3,4,5,6), available in double-zero format only. Pays 18 to 1.
  • Seven numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6), available in single-zero format only. Pays 25 to 1.


Single-Zero Odds

The following tables show the bets available using a single-zero wheel. The first table is for bets on one wheel, and the second for parlay bets on both wheels.

Single Ring Bets — Single-Zero Wheel

Bet Pays Combinations Probability Return
Single number 35 1 0.027027 -0.027027
Any two numbers 17 2 0.054054 -0.027027
Any three numbers 11 3 0.081081 -0.027027
Any four numbers 8 4 0.108108 -0.027027
Any six numbers 5 6 0.162162 -0.027027
Seven numbers 4 7 0.189189 -0.054054
Twelve numbers 2 12 0.324324 -0.027027


Double Ring Bets — Single-Zero Wheel

Bet Pays Combinations Probability Return
Two red 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two black 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two odd 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two even 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two 1 to 18 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two 19 to 36 3 324 0.236669 -0.053324
Two 1 to 12 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
Two 13 to 24 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
Two 25 to 36 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
First dozen 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
Second dozen 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
Third dozen 8 144 0.105186 -0.053324
Seven numbers 25 49 0.035793 -0.069394
Two identical numbers 1200 1 0.000730 -0.122717


Double-Zero Odds

The following tables show the bets available using a double-zero wheel. The first table is for bets on one wheel, and the second for parlay bets on both wheels.

Single Ring Bets — Double-Zero Wheel

Bet Pays Combinations Probability Return
Single number 35 1 0.026316 -0.052632
Any two numbers 17 2 0.052632 -0.052632
Any three numbers 11 3 0.078947 -0.052632
Any four numbers 8 4 0.105263 -0.052632
Any six numbers 5 6 0.157895 -0.052632
Eight numbers 3 8 0.210526 -0.157895
Twelve numbers 2 12 0.315789 -0.052632


Double Ring Bets — Double-Zero Wheel

Bet Pays Combinations Probability Return
Two red 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two black 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two odd 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two even 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two 1 to 18 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two 19 to 36 3 324 0.224377 -0.102493
Two 1 to 12 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
Two 13 to 24 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
Two 25 to 36 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
First dozen 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
Second dozen 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
Third dozen 8 144 0.099723 -0.102493
Eight numbers 18 64 0.044321 -0.157895
Two identical numbers 1200 1 0.000693 -0.168283

External Links

YouTube video about the game.