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Video Hold 'Em


Video Hold 'Em is a video poker variation I noticed at the Red Rock casino in May, 2008. It can most closely be compared to Pick 'Em Poker. At the Red Rock, on the same machine were two games, Video Hold 'Em and Super Video Hold 'Em. This page shall address both games. Following are the complete rules.

  1. The player will bet 2 to 10 coins. The bet must be evenly divisible by 2.
  2. Two pairs of two cards each will be dealt.
  3. The player must choose one of the two pairs.
  4. The unchosen cards will be put back in the deck.
  5. Five more cards will be dealt from the other 50 cards in the deck.
  6. The player will be paid according to the best five-card hand that can be created using any five cards of the seven cards available.
  7. A "bad beat" award is paid if the player starts with a pair of jacks or better, and still does not get any paying hand. The "bad beat" win is equal to the original bet.
  8. The poker hand win will be multiplied, if the player started with certain premium two-card hands. Wins for a royal flush on the board, and the bad beat bonus, are not multiplied.

Video Hold 'Em Pay Tables

The following table shows the multipliers available under the three pay tables I am aware of.

Two-Card Hand Multipliers — Video Hold 'Em

Hand Pay Table 1 Pay Table 2 Pay Table 3
Red aces 6 6 6
Aces 3 4 5
Ace/king suited 3 3 3
Pair: jacks to kings 2 2 2
Ace/queen suited 2 2 2
Ace/jack suited 2 2 2
King/queen suited 2 2 2
King/jack suited 2 2 2
Queen/jack suited 2 2 2
All other 1 1 1

The next table shows the pay table, based on the player's best five-card hand. The pay table numbers correspond to those in the multiplier table above. For example, multiplier pay table 1 will correspond to pay table 1 in the table below. Pays are per coin bet, based on max coins bet.

Best Five-Card Hand Pay Table — Video Hold 'Em

Hand Pay Table 1 Pay Table 2 Pay Table 3
Royal flush on board 2000 2000 2000
Royal flush 200 200 200
Straight flush 50 50 50
Four aces 25 25 25
Four of a kind: 2s–Ks 7 8 8
Full house 5 5 5
Flush 4 4 4
Straight 3 3 3
Three of a kind 2 2 2
Two pair 1 1 1
All other 0 0 0

Super Video Hold 'Em Pay Tables

The following table shows the multipliers available under the three pay tables I am aware of.

Two-Card Hand Multipliers — Super Video Hold 'Em

Hand Pay Table 4 Pay Table 5 Pay Table 6
Red aces 10 10 10
Aces 8 7 8
Ace/king suited 6 5 5
Pair: jacks to kings 4 4 4
Ace/queen suited 4 4 4
Ace/jack suited 4 3 3
King/queen suited 2 2 2
King/jack suited 2 2 2
Queen/jack suited 2 2 2
All other 1 1 1

The next table shows the pay table, based on the player’s best five-card hand. The pay table numbers correspond to those in the multiplier table above. For example, multiplier pay table 4 will correspond to pay table 4 in the table below. Pays are per coin bet, based on max coins bet.

Best Five-Card Hand Pay Table — Super Video Hold 'Em

Hand Pay Table 4 Pay Table 5 Pay Table 6
Royal flush on board 1000 1000 1000
Royal flush 100 100 100
Straight flush 50 50 50
Four aces 25 25 25
Four of a kind: 2s-Ks 10 10 10
Full house 4 4.5 4.5
Flush 3 3 3
Straight 2.5 2.5 2.5
Three of a kind 1.5 1.5 1.5
Two pair 1 1 1
All other 0 0 0


The following table shows the rank for all classes of 2-card hands, under pay table 6 of Super Video Hold 'Em. For any given pair of initial 2-card hands, look up the power power rating of each. Then, play the hand with the higher rating (or lower number). Remember, the cards in the discarded hand are put back in the deck, so there are no penalty card exceptions to worry about. The expected value column shows the average win for that hand. The probability column shows the odds that you will both get and play that hand. The return column is the product of the probability and expected return. The sum of the returns is the return for the entire game, which is 98.14%.

Power Rating Table for Super Video Hold 'Em — Pay Table 6

2-Card Hand Rank Probability Expected Value Return
Pair 2s 17 0.008337 1.138688 0.009493
Pair 3s 16 0.008381 1.148958 0.00963
Pair 4s 15 0.008426 1.159229 0.009767
Pair 5s 13 0.008647 1.169499 0.010113
Pair 6s-9s 14 0.034145 1.168286 0.039892
Pair Ts 12 0.008691 1.170773 0.010176
Pair Js 3 0.009002 4.993642 0.044952
Pair Qs 4 0.008957 4.955364 0.044387
Pair Ks 5 0.008913 4.917087 0.043827
Pair As 2 0.007508 10.450526 0.078465
Red Aces 1 0.001538 12.972998 0.01995
3/2 suited 45 0.005046 0.762376 0.003847
4/2 suited 43 0.005085 0.77212 0.003926
5/2 suited 40 0.005144 0.781864 0.004022
6/2 suited 55 0.004873 0.720252 0.00351
7/2 suited 94 0.003869 0.669485 0.00259
8/2 suited 84 0.004066 0.679229 0.002761
9/2 suited 85 0.004068 0.679229 0.002763
T/2 suited 79 0.004194 0.680968 0.002856
J/2 suited 90 0.003967 0.671224 0.002663
Q/2 suited 99 0.003637 0.66148 0.002406
K/2 suited 104 0.003376 0.651736 0.0022
A/2 suited 57 0.004839 0.70983 0.003435
4/3 suited 33 0.005272 0.832631 0.00439
5/3 suited 30 0.005331 0.842375 0.004491
6/3 suited 42 0.005115 0.780763 0.003993
7/3 suited 52 0.004937 0.729996 0.003604
8/3 suited 86 0.004078 0.679229 0.00277
9/3 suited 73 0.00429 0.688973 0.002955
T/3 suited 68 0.004381 0.691137 0.003028
J/3 suited 77 0.004189 0.681393 0.002854
Q/3 suited 89 0.003957 0.671649 0.002658
K/3 suited 98 0.003637 0.661905 0.002407
A/3 suited 56 0.004859 0.719999 0.003498
5/4 suited 19 0.005533 0.902886 0.004996
6/4 suited 32 0.005297 0.841273 0.004456
7/4 suited 39 0.005179 0.790507 0.004094
8/4 suited 49 0.004996 0.73974 0.003696
9/4 suited 74 0.004314 0.688973 0.002972
T/4 suited 64 0.00463 0.700456 0.003243
J/4 suited 70 0.004381 0.690712 0.003026
Q/4 suited 80 0.004189 0.680968 0.002852
K/4 suited 91 0.003967 0.671224 0.002663
A/4 suited 53 0.004918 0.729318 0.003587
6/5 suited 21 0.005499 0.901784 0.004959
7/5 suited 27 0.005395 0.851018 0.004592
8/5 suited 36 0.005238 0.800251 0.004192
9/5 suited 47 0.005041 0.749484 0.003778
T/5 suited 61 0.004652 0.700881 0.00326
J/5 suited 62 0.00463 0.700881 0.003245
Q/5 suited 69 0.004381 0.691137 0.003028
K/5 suited 78 0.004194 0.681393 0.002858
A/5 suited 50 0.004977 0.739487 0.00368
7/6 suited 22 0.005462 0.900682 0.004919
8/6 suited 28 0.005371 0.849916 0.004565
9/6 suited 37 0.005218 0.799149 0.00417
T/6 suited 46 0.005065 0.750121 0.0038
J/6 suited 71 0.004354 0.68961 0.003002
Q/6 suited 72 0.004329 0.68961 0.002985
K/6 suited 81 0.004127 0.679866 0.002806
A/6 suited 87 0.004043 0.67745 0.002739
8/7 suited 23 0.005459 0.900682 0.004917
9/7 suited 29 0.005371 0.849916 0.004565
T/7 suited 35 0.005262 0.800888 0.004215
J/7 suited 48 0.005021 0.740377 0.003717
Q/7 suited 82 0.004137 0.679866 0.002813
K/7 suited 83 0.004125 0.679866 0.002804
A/7 suited 75 0.004255 0.687194 0.002924
9/8 suited 24 0.005462 0.900682 0.004919
T/8 suited 26 0.00542 0.851655 0.004616
J/8 suited 38 0.005208 0.791144 0.00412
Q/8 suited 51 0.004962 0.730633 0.003625
K/8 suited 92 0.003947 0.670122 0.002645
A/8 suited 76 0.004255 0.687194 0.002924
T/9 suited 20 0.005519 0.902421 0.00498
J/9 suited 31 0.005331 0.841911 0.004489
Q/9 suited 41 0.005144 0.7814 0.00402
K/9 suited 54 0.004898 0.720889 0.003531
A/9 suited 88 0.004043 0.67745 0.002739
J/T suited 18 0.005568 0.927948 0.005167
Q/T suited 25 0.00544 0.867437 0.004719
K/T suited 34 0.005272 0.806926 0.004254
A/T suited 44 0.005085 0.763487 0.003882
Q/J suited 9 0.005888 1.714112 0.010093
K/J suited 10 0.005873 1.59309 0.009356
A/J suited 8 0.005922 2.25868 0.013377
K/Q suited 11 0.005858 1.573602 0.009219
A/Q suited 7 0.005908 2.972171 0.017558
A/K suited 6 0.005937 3.666175 0.021767
3/2 unsuited 121 0.007454 0.596264 0.004445
4/2 unsuited 117 0.008163 0.60663 0.004952
5/2 unsuited 114 0.008695 0.616996 0.005365
6/2 unsuited 134 0.005371 0.5748 0.003087
7/2 unsuited 164 0.000495 0.543184 0.000269
8/2 unsuited 156 0.00167 0.552574 0.000923
9/2 unsuited 157 0.00167 0.552574 0.000923
T/2 unsuited 150 0.002889 0.554401 0.001601
J/2 unsuited 161 0.000983 0.544035 0.000535
Q/2 unsuited 166 0.000273 0.533669 0.000146
K/2 unsuited 167 0.000052 0.523303 0.000027
A/2 unsuited 145 0.003465 0.562247 0.001948
4/3 unsuited 106 0.010025 0.648612 0.006502
5/3 unsuited 102 0.010616 0.658978 0.006996
6/3 unsuited 115 0.008607 0.616782 0.005308
7/3 unsuited 127 0.006656 0.585166 0.003895
8/3 unsuited 153 0.002357 0.55355 0.001305
9/3 unsuited 143 0.004041 0.56294 0.002275
T/3 unsuited 137 0.004928 0.565192 0.002785
J/3 unsuited 148 0.002977 0.554826 0.001652
Q/3 unsuited 160 0.001027 0.54446 0.000559
K/3 unsuited 165 0.000273 0.534094 0.000146
A/3 unsuited 136 0.005016 0.573038 0.002874
5/4 unsuited 60 0.014132 0.70096 0.009906
6/4 unsuited 103 0.010483 0.658764 0.006906
7/4 unsuited 111 0.00936 0.627148 0.00587
8/4 unsuited 123 0.007365 0.595532 0.004386
9/4 unsuited 141 0.00444 0.563916 0.002504
T/4 unsuited 133 0.005903 0.575133 0.003395
J/4 unsuited 139 0.004928 0.564767 0.002783
Q/4 unsuited 151 0.002977 0.554401 0.001651
K/4 unsuited 162 0.000983 0.544035 0.000535
A/4 unsuited 129 0.006213 0.582979 0.003622
6/5 unsuited 63 0.014014 0.700746 0.00982
7/5 unsuited 95 0.011665 0.66913 0.007805
8/5 unsuited 108 0.009892 0.637514 0.006306
9/5 unsuited 119 0.008119 0.605898 0.004919
T/5 unsuited 130 0.006346 0.576534 0.003659
J/5 unsuited 131 0.005903 0.575558 0.003397
Q/5 unsuited 138 0.004928 0.565192 0.002785
K/5 unsuited 149 0.002889 0.554826 0.001603
A/5 unsuited 125 0.006878 0.593769 0.004084
7/6 unsuited 65 0.013504 0.699556 0.009447
8/6 unsuited 96 0.011443 0.66794 0.007643
9/6 unsuited 109 0.009715 0.636324 0.006182
T/6 unsuited 118 0.008296 0.606535 0.005032
J/6 unsuited 140 0.004617 0.564553 0.002607
Q/6 unsuited 142 0.004218 0.563577 0.002377
K/6 unsuited 154 0.002024 0.553211 0.00112
A/6 unsuited 158 0.001537 0.551148 0.000847
8/7 unsuited 66 0.013482 0.699556 0.009432
9/7 unsuited 97 0.011443 0.66794 0.007643
T/7 unsuited 107 0.010069 0.638151 0.006426
J/7 unsuited 122 0.007543 0.596169 0.004497
Q/7 unsuited 152 0.002534 0.554187 0.001404
K/7 unsuited 155 0.002024 0.553211 0.00112
A/7 unsuited 146 0.003443 0.560538 0.00193
9/8 unsuited 67 0.013504 0.699556 0.009447
T/8 unsuited 93 0.011901 0.669767 0.007971
J/8 unsuited 110 0.009537 0.627785 0.005987
Q/8 unsuited 126 0.006834 0.585803 0.004003
K/8 unsuited 163 0.000672 0.543821 0.000366
A/8 unsuited 147 0.003443 0.560538 0.00193
T/9 unsuited 59 0.014369 0.701383 0.010078
J/9 unsuited 101 0.010838 0.659401 0.007146
Q/9 unsuited 113 0.008961 0.617419 0.005533
K/9 unsuited 132 0.005903 0.575437 0.003397
A/9 unsuited 159 0.001537 0.551148 0.000847
J/T unsuited 58 0.014487 0.702235 0.010173
Q/T unsuited 100 0.010971 0.660253 0.007243
K/T unsuited 112 0.00905 0.618271 0.005595
A/T unsuited 124 0.007011 0.593982 0.004164
Q/J unsuited 105 0.010202 0.649887 0.00663
K/J unsuited 116 0.008341 0.607905 0.00507
A/J unsuited 128 0.006346 0.583616 0.003704
K/Q unsuited 120 0.007631 0.597539 0.00456
A/Q unsuited 135 0.005149 0.57325 0.002952
A/K unsuited 144 0.003598 0.562884 0.002025
Total 1 0 0.981378

The following table is a condensed strategy card for Super Video Hold 'Em, pay table 6. To use it, look up the rank of both hands, and play the one with the lower rank.

Return Table

The following is the return table for pay table 3 of Video Hold 'Em. The lower right cell shows a return of 98.15%, with optimal strategy.

Return Table for Super Video Hold 'Em — Pay Table 3

Event Multiplier Pays Combinations Probbility Return
Royal on board 6 2000 4996 0.0000000015 0.0000029033
Royal flush 6 1200 229816 0.0000000668 0.0000801309
Straight flush 6 300 304756 0.0000000886 0.0000265651
Four of a kind 6 150 43205408 0.0000125538 0.0018830766
Four 2s-Ks 6 48 1378896 0.0000004007 0.0000192314
Full house 6 30 452397792 0.0001314495 0.0039434865
Flush 6 24 103821876 0.0000301667 0.0007240003
Straight 6 18 64488368 0.0000187379 0.0003372815
Three of a kind 6 12 623146084 0.0001810625 0.0021727499
Two pair 6 6 2099459088 0.0006100228 0.0036601366
Non-paying hand 6 0 0 0 0
Bad Beat 6 1 1904225400 0.0005532953 0.0005532953
Royal on board 5 2000 24392 0.0000000071 0.0000141748
Royal flush 5 1000 1122032 0.000000326 0.0003260197
Straight flush 5 250 1487912 0.0000004323 0.0001080826
Four of a kind 5 125 210942016 0.0000612917 0.0076614633
Four 2's-K's 5 40 6732192 0.0000019561 0.0000782447
Full house 5 25 2208744384 0.0006417769 0.0160444225
Flush 5 20 506890152 0.000147283 0.002945659
Straight 5 15 314851936 0.000091484 0.0013722595
Three of a kind 5 10 3042389768 0.0008840025 0.0088400246
Two pair 5 5 10250201376 0.0029783177 0.0148915884
Non-paying hand 5 0 0 0 0
Bad Beat 5 1 9297010800 0.0027013568 0.0027013568
Royal on board 3 2000 28932 0.0000000084 0.0000168131
Royal flush 3 600 10425164 0.0000030292 0.0018174931
Straight flush 3 150 752232 0.0000002186 0.0000327855
Four of a kind 3 75 10425164 0.0000030292 0.0002271866
Four 2's-K's 3 24 15305028 0.0000044471 0.0001067294
Full house 3 15 454463856 0.0001320499 0.001980748
Flush 3 12 1333726624 0.0003875301 0.0046503612
Straight 3 9 631759152 0.0001835651 0.0016520861
Three of a kind 3 6 887286576 0.0002578116 0.0015468699
Two pair 3 3 4523923248 0.0013144796 0.0039434388
Non-paying hand 3 0 12565225464 0.0036509754 0
Bad Beat 3 1 0 0 0
Royal on board 2 2000 230808 0.0000000671 0.000134128
Royal flush 2 400 55726516 0.000016192 0.0064768003
Straight flush 2 100 53021836 0.0000154061 0.0015406124
Four of a kind 2 50 23931316 0.0000069535 0.0003476764
Four 2's-K's 2 16 882760332 0.0002564965 0.0041039439
Full house 2 10 10159413264 0.0029519381 0.0295193812
Flush 2 8 8385743428 0.0024365773 0.0194926183
Straight 2 6 6272076744 0.0018224263 0.0109345581
Three of a kind 2 4 15246247368 0.0044299781 0.0177199126
Two pair 2 2 58957702728 0.0171308604 0.0342617207
Non-paying hand 2 0 60785764380 0.0176620254 0
Bad Beat 2 1 33014258640 0.0095926847 0.0095926847
Royal on board 1 2000 5232328 0.0000015203 0.00304063
Royal flush 1 200 79717916 0.000023163 0.0046325973
Straight flush 1 50 1240337364 0.0003603947 0.0180197372
Four of a kind 1 25 233116776 0.0000677348 0.0016933712
Four 2's-K's 1 8 5681085192 0.0016507067 0.0132056539
Full house 1 5 87764269824 0.0255009504 0.1275047518
Flush 1 4 116512801860 0.0338541776 0.1354167104
Straight 1 3 167869493556 0.048776474 0.1463294219
Three of a kind 1 2 159117397560 0.0462334486 0.0924668972
Two pair 1 1 759583729080 0.2207060688 0.2207060688
Non-paying hand 1 0 1898117366304 0.5515205315 0
Bad Beat 1 1 0 0 0
Total 3441607806000 1 0.9815005412

The final table shows the return for all six pay tables in this page.

Video Hold 'Em — Return Table

Pay Table Base Return Royal on Board Bad Beat Total Return
1 95.31% 1.28% 0.29% 96.89%
2 95.53% 1.28% 0.29% 97.11%
3 96.58% 1.28% 0.29% 98.15%
4 95.4% 1.28% 0.14% 96.83%
5 95.76% 1.28% 0.14% 97.19%
6 96.71% 1.28% 0.14% 98.14%

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