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Bally’s Atlantic City House Way
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No Pair: Always play the highest ranked card in the high hand. Use thesecond and third highest ranked cards in the low hand.
- One Pair: Always play the pair in the high hand. Use the two highest rankedcards in the low hand.
- Two Pairs: Low Pair - 2 thru 6
Mid Pair - 7 thru 10
High Pair - Jacks thru Kings- Low Pair - Low Pair OR Low Pair - Mid Pair: Split the pairs ... except whenthe hand contains King or Ace.
- Low Pair - High Pair OR Mid Pair - Mid Pair: Split the pairs ... except whenthe hand contains an Ace.
- Mid Pair - High Pair OR High Pair - High Pair: Always split.
- Aces - any other pair: Always split.
- Three Pairs: Always play the highest pair in the low hand.
- Three-of-a-kind: Always play in high hand ... except with three Aces, playpair of Aces in high hand and one Ace in low hand.
- Two three-of-a-kinds: Play pair of highest three-of-a-kind in the low hand.
- Straights, Flushes, Straight Flushes and Royal Flushes:
When the hand contains a choice of a Straight, Flush or Straight Flush, playthe hand which allows the highest two cards to be played in the low handthat will preserve the Straight, Flush, or Straight Flush.
Exception: When the hand contains a Straight or Straight Flush which is AceHigh and includes a Joker, play pair of Aces in the high hand and next twohighest cards in the low hand. (Unless the high hand contains Ace and aJoker to make 2nd highest Straight play A,2,3,4,5). - If the hand can be played as a lower Straight, play the Straight.
With One Pair: Play the pair in the front if a Straight or Flush can beplayed in the high hand.
With Two Pairs: Refer to the two pairs rule.
With Three Pairs: Refer to the three pairs rule.
With Three-of-a-kind: Play the pair in the low hand.
With Full House: Refer to the full house rule. - Full House:
When the hand contains three-of-a-kind and a pair (Full House), always splitthe pair in the low hand.
Exception: A full house with a pair of 2's and an Ace and King, play AceKing in the low hand and keep full house in high hand.
When the hand contains three-of-a-kind and two pairs, play the highest pairin the low hand. - Four-of-a-kind:
When the hand contains four-of-a-kind, twos thru nines, never split.
When the hand contains four-of-a-kind, tens thru kings, split except when anAce can be played in the low hand. In this case play the four-of-a-kind inthe high hand.
When the hand contains four Aces always split.
Exception: When the hand contains four Aces and a pair of Kings, play theKings in the low hand and keep the four Aces in the high hand.
When the hand contains four-of-a-kind with a pair or three-of-a-kind, playpair in the low hand and four-of-a-kind in the high hand. - Five Aces:
When the hand contains five aces, always split. Play two Aces in the lowhand.
Exception: With five Aces and a pair of Kings, play the Kings in the lowhand, Aces in the high hand.
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