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9/4/4 Bonus Deuces Wild strategy


The following video poker strategy is for 9/4/4 Bonus Deuces Wild.

9/4/4 Bonus Deuces Wild

Hand Payoff
Natural Royal Flush 800
Four Deuces w/Ace 400
Four Deuces 200
Wild Royal Flush 25
Five Aces 80
Five 3s/4s/5s 40
Five 6s thru Ks 20
Straight Flush 9
Four of a Kind 4
Full House 4
Flush 3
Straight 1
Three of a Kind 1

To use the strategy, locate the appropriate category based on how many deuces were dealt, then look up all of the reasonable ways to play a hand and choose the play that is highest on the list. While optimal strategy returns 99.4502%, the strategy presented below is the optimal "exceptionless" strategy, which returns 99.4464%.

No Deuces Dealt

  1. Royal Flush
  2. 4 to a Royal Flush
  3. Straight Flush
  4. 4 of a kind
  5. Full House
  6. Flush
  7. 3 of a kind
  8. 4 to a Straight Flush
  9. 3 to a Royal Flush
  10. Straight
  11. 4 to a Flush
  12. 2 pair
  13. 1 pair
  14. 3 to a Straight Flush (except Ace-low)
  15. 2 to a Royal Flush: TJ, TQ, JQ
  16. 3 to a Straight Flush (Ace-low)
  17. 2 to a Royal Flush: TK/JK/QK
  18. Discard everything

One Deuce Dealt

  1. Full House or better
  2. 4 to a Wild Royal Flush
  3. Flush
  4. 3 of a kind: 3s/4s/5s, Qs/Ks/As
  5. 4 to a Straight Flush: deuce + A34/A35/A45, 345, 567, 678, 789, 89T, 9TJ
  6. 3 of a kind: 6s/7s/8s/9s/Ts/Js
  7. 4 to a Straight Flush: deuce + 346/356, 456, 457/467, 568/578, 679/689, 78T/79T, 89J/8TJ, 9TQ/9JQ
  8. 4 to a Straight Flush: deuce + 347/357/367, 458/468/478, 569/579/589, 67T/68T/69T, 78J/79J/7TJ, 89Q/8TQ/8JQ, 9TK/9JK/9QK
  9. 3 to a Wild Royal Flush: deuce + TJ
  10. 3 to a Wild Royal Flush: deuce + TQ/JQ
  11. 3 to a Wild Royal Flush: deuce + TK/JK/QK
  12. 3 to a Wild Royal Flush: deuce + TA/JA/QA/KA
  13. Straight
  14. 4 to a Flush
  15. 3 to a Straight Flush: deuce + 67, 78, 89, 9T
  16. Deuce only

Two Deuces Dealt

  1. 4 of a kind or better
  2. 4 to a Wild Royal Flush
  3. Deuces + Ace
  4. Deuces only

Three Deuces Dealt

  1. 5 of a kind or better
  2. Deuces + Ace
  3. Deuces only

Four Deuces Dealt

  1. Deuces + Ace
  2. Deuces only

Card Key


Card Abbreviations

Letter Card
T 10
J Jack
Q Queen
K King
A Ace