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Santa Ana Star Pai Gow Poker House Way


The following is the pai gow poker house way for the Santa Ana Star casino in New Mexico.


  • Five Aces: Always play a pair of aces in the low hand.
  • Four of a Kind: Apply the two pair rule.
  • Full House: Play the pair in the low hand, and the three of a kind in the high hand.
  • Flush: Always play the flushs, unless there are two pair, if so apply the two pair rule.
  • Straight: Always play the straight, unless there are two pair, if so apply the two pair rule.
  • Three of a Kind: Always play the three of a kind in the high hand, unless it is aces. Always split three acess.
  • Three Pair: Always play the highest pair in the low hand.
  • Two Pair: 2,3,4,5 (Low), 6,7,8,9 (Medium), 10,J,Q,K (High)

    Aces - Always split aces with any other pair.;
    Low/Low or Low/Medium - Split unless there is an Ace or King.
    Medium/Medium or Low/High - Split unless there is an Ace and a Face (a ten is not a face).
    Medium/High or High/High - Always split.
  • One Pair: Play the pair in the high hand, use the next two highest cardss in the low hand.
  • No Pair: Play the highest card in the high hand, use the next two highest cards in the low hand.


My thanks to Shannon C. for sending this to me.


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