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Money$uit 31 Free Online Game with Instructions and Video

Wizard of Odds Approved









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button card card-cover chip chip-selector font-black font-blue font-cyan font-green font-magenta font-red font-white font-yellow game led-suits msgbox paytable trans

NOTE: If you’re running IE9 and the game keeps crashing, you need to update your Java installation (for it has nothing to do with us but with Microsoft, as they kindly note in their Support Page). Speaking of upgrades, you might want to upgrade your browser to Google Chrome.

This is a rather new casino one-deck card game and it represents the best of both worlds of blackjack and poker. Money$uit 31 is played with up to seven players against each other. The objective is to combine up to three cards to get a value of 17 or higher, up to 31, using the blackjack scoring (faces equals ten points, while Aces are always eleven). The catch is — value cards must be in the same suit.

There is also a special Money$uit determined by the roll of two custom dices (OK, now we have some craps element here, too). The outcome of the dices will determine a suit applicable for this particular bet (hearts or spades, for example).

While it might appear to be a bit complicated, this is actually a pretty simple game. Therefore, before you start playing it, please visit our detailed Money$uit 31 introduction where Wizard elaborated on rules, strategies, paytables, and analysis in detail.

Once you get all the bits and pieces together, you can get your first impressions in this simple Java-based game that allows you to play free for up to $5,000.

play moneysuit 31

The special Money$uit is positioned in the top left corner of your screen. Once you’ve set your bets, it will roll and define a suit applicable for this hand.

Two paytables are positioned on the left and the right side of the screen. They consist of general paytable, on the left and natural bonus paytable on the right. The latter will be used in case you get original cards in the Money$uit.

You can set your ante wager and optional Natural 31 side bet by clicking on the fields at the center of your screen. To do so, you select your chips on a control strip at the bottom of your screen and click on each field.

The control strip itself lets you set up parameters of the game and provides for all relevant information. There is a balance field, chips and wager info, a couple of control buttons, and win amount.

Antes (and optional Natural 31 side bet) are made with chips in denominations ranging from $5, $25, $100, and $500 you can choose from the control strip. You’ll notice yellow borders encircling them when selected. You can increase ante in each value by a single click — for $50 bet, click twice on ante field with $25 chips selected.

Same goes for Natural 31: select your chips and click on the field in order to make your side bet.

The maximum ante is $500. For Natural 31, you can place a max of either $100 or $500 chip.

Two buttons — Deal and Clear — are used to direct game moves. Once you’ve set your bet, you proceed by clicking on a Deal button; if you feel like changing your bet denominations, you use Clear button to revert.

Once the cards are dealt, two buttons will reappear as the Play or Fold button, which gives you the possibility to either proceed or retract.

The sum of your best cards will be displayed in white text, right below your three open cards (like “11” or “15”, for example).

Depending on your bets, you’ll always see the outcome of your cards displayed on the paytables. So, if you get 20, the line 18-23 will be highlighted, which is a nice feature that instantly let you know where you’re at.

Once the hand is played, buttons will transform into the Repeat and Clear signs temporarily. By pressing Repeat, you reload previous ante/ Natural 31 setup in a single click; by pressing Clear, you opt to set a new bet.

This simple yet entertaining version of Money$uit 31 is fun to play and develops rather quickly. While it may take you some time to get a full grip on all outcomes, once you do so it’ll give you a great opportunity to practice the game and get some lessons learned without using real money.

For advanced players, this just might be a nice training tool to polish their strategies and skills, and prepare better for the real thing.

You may also watch Money$uit 31 video presentation by Angela Wyman at 2016 Cutting Edge table game show hosted by Michael Shackleford at the Flamingo in Las Vegas.

As always when you play, be it in a land-based or online casino, or just for the sake of fun — be responsible, have great fun, and above all, good luck.

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