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Pai Gow Tiles House Way from Foxwoods


The following is the Foxwoods house way for pai gow tiles. It was taken from a Foxwoods Training Center booklet dated February 1997. If more than one rule applies, use the one listed first.

Pair Rules

A. Never split the following pairs (4, 5, 6, 10, 11).


B. Split Gee Joon with 6-4, 6-5, or 6-6.




C. Split 2s and 12s to make 6/8 or better, and when the other two tiles are 9 and 11.


D. Split 9s with any combination of 2, 10, and 12 tiles.




E. Split 8's with any combination of 2, 10, 11, or 12 tiles. Also split with 9 and 11.








F. Split 7s with any combination of 2, 10, 11, or 12 tiles.








Wong, Gong, and High Nine Rules

Play a 2 or 12 tile with a 7, 8, or 9. With more than one possible, play High 9 over Wong and Gong, or Gong over Wong, when given the choice. When given the choice between a 2 and 12, play the 12 in the high hand.


A. Play Wong over Gong when the fourth tile is an 11.


B. Play Wong over High Nine when the fourth tile is an 11.


C. Play Gong over High Nine when the fourth tile is any 4, or when the 8 is a Low 8 and the fourth tile is a 5.


Other Hands

If the best low hand is lower than a High 3 (a 3-point hand whose highest-ranking tile is a High 6), and the best high hand is worth 7 or more points, make the high hand as high as possible. Otherwise make the low hand as high as possible. Following are exceptions to this rule.

A. If hands total 8/9 or more, play the high tile in the high hand.


B. If hands total 7/8, and contain 2 and 12, play the 12 in the high hand.


C. Play 2/high 5 with the following.


D. Play 6/high 7 with the following.


E. Play 6/high 8 with the following.


F. Play 6/high 9 with the following.


G. Play 7/9 with the following.


H. Play 7/high 9 with the following.


I. Play 7/9 with the following.


J. Play 7/high 9 with the following.


K. Play high 5/7 with the following.


Unwritten Rule

Finally, there is an unwritten rule (until now) that the house will never play a hand where an alternative benefits both the high and the low. For example, consider the following hand.


Rule 1C would suggest that the pair should be split to make 6/8. However, both the high and low are improved by playing 7/teen pair. The unwritten rule 4 would thus override rule 1C.

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