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All in Stud


All in Stud is mathematically equivalent to Let it Ride and is the same as Raise 'em Poker with different side bets. Unlike the the pulling back bets in Let it Ride, bets are added in All in Stud. Mathematically, it is the same thing. All in Stud has some new side bets not seen in Let it Ride or Raise 'em Poker. I first saw that game at the Aquarius casino in Laughlin on January 20, 2020. The game is marketed by Galaxy Gaming.


  1. Player makes an Ante bet.
  2. Dealer gives player three cards.
  3. Player may check or make a raise bet equal to his Ante.
  4. Dealer deals the first community card, to be used by all players.
  5. Player may again check or make a raise bet equal to his Ante.
  6. Dealer deals the second community card, to be used by all players.
  7. Player is paid according to the poker value of his five cards, total bets, and the posted pay table.
  8. Side bets are also available, which are explained below.

The following is the pay table used at the Aquarius in Laughlin . All wins are on a "to one" basis.

All in Stud — Standard Pay Table

Hand Pays
Royal Flush 1000
Straight Flush 200
Four of a kind 50
Full House 11
Flush 8
Straight 5
Three of a kind 3
Two pair 2
Tens or better 1
Loser Loss

The following is the pay table for the Pocket 3 bet, which pays based on the poker-value of the player's initial three cards. Wins are on a "to one" basis.

Pocket 3 Pay Table

Event Pays
Mini royal 50
Straight flush 40
Three of a kind 30
Straight 6
Flush 3
Pair 1

The following is the pay table for the Lo Ball bet, which pays based on the poker-value of the player's final five-card hand. Wins are on a "to one" basis.

Lo Ball Pay Table

Event Pays
7 high 100
8 high 50
9 high 15
10 high 5
Jack high 1

The following is the pay table for the Jackpot bet, which pays based on the poker-value of the player's final five-card hand. Wins are on a "for one" basis.

Jackpot Pay Table

Event Pays
Royal flush 20000
Straight flush 2000
Four of a kind 300
Full house 150
Flush 50
Straight 25
Three of a kind 5


With three cards you should raise if you have:

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, three of a kind)
  • Any three to a royal flush
  • Three suited cards in a row except 2-3-4, and ace-2-3
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 4, with at least one high card (ten or greater)
  • Three to a straight flush, spread 5, with at least two high cards

With four cards you should raise if you have:

  • Any paying hand (tens or better, two pair, three of a kind)
  • Any four cards of the same suit
  • Any four to an outside straight with at least one high card
  • Any four to an outside straight with no high cards (zero house edge)
  • Any four to an inside straight with 4 high cards (zero house edge)


The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return of all possible outcomes under optimal strategy. The lower right cell shows an expected loss of 3.51% of the Ante bet. By the end of the hand, the player will have raised 0.232 units, leaving 1.232 on the table. This makes the element of risk, defined as the ratio of expected loss to total amount bet 3.51%/1.232 = 2.85%.

All in Stud — Standard Pay Table

Hand Pays Bet Win Combinations Probability Return
Royal Flush 1000 3 3,000 80 0.000002 0.004617
Royal Flush 1000 2 2,000 0 0.000000 0.000000
Royal Flush 1000 1 1,000 0 0.000000 0.000000
Straight Flush 200 3 600 352 0.000007 0.004063
Straight Flush 200 2 400 368 0.000007 0.002832
Straight Flush 200 1 200 0 0.000000 0.000000
Four of a kind 50 3 150 7,872 0.000151 0.022717
Four of a kind 50 2 100 4,608 0.000089 0.008865
Four of a kind 50 1 50 0 0.000000 0.000000
Full House 11 3 33 33,408 0.000643 0.021210
Full House 11 2 22 41,472 0.000798 0.017553
Full House 11 1 11 0 0.000000 0.000000
Flush 8 3 24 10,008 0.000193 0.004621
Flush 8 2 16 92,152 0.001773 0.028366
Flush 8 1 8 0 0.000000 0.000000
Straight 5 3 15 4,464 0.000086 0.001288
Straight 5 2 10 88,656 0.001706 0.017056
Straight 5 1 5 110,880 0.002133 0.010666
Three of a kind 3 3 9 364,560 0.007014 0.063122
Three of a kind 3 2 6 328,968 0.006329 0.037973
Three of a kind 3 1 3 404,712 0.007786 0.023358
Two pair 2 3 6 574,128 0.011045 0.066272
Two pair 2 2 4 682,776 0.013136 0.052542
Two pair 2 1 2 1,214,136 0.023358 0.046716
Tens or better 1 3 3 2,571,636 0.049474 0.148423
Tens or better 1 2 2 2,647,560 0.050935 0.101870
Tens or better 1 1 1 3,228,804 0.062117 0.062117
Loser -1 3 -3 53,076 0.001021 -0.003063
Loser -1 2 -2 937,824 0.018042 -0.036085
Loser -1 1 -1 38,576,700 0.742156 -0.742156
Total       51,979,200 1.000000 -0.035057

Pocket 3

The following table shows the win, combinations, probability, and contribution to the return of all possible outcomes of the Pocket 3 side bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 7.10%.

Pocket 3 Return Table

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Mini royal 50 4 0.000181 0.009050
Straight flush 40 44 0.001991 0.079638
Three of a kind 30 52 0.002353 0.070588
Straight 6 720 0.032579 0.195475
Flush 3 1,096 0.049593 0.148778
Pair 1 3,744 0.169412 0.169412
Loser -1 16,440 0.743891 -0.743891
Total   22,100 1.000000 -0.070950

Lo Ball

The Lo Ball bet pays based on the player's final five card hand. The lower the value of the player's hand, the more he wins.

Lo Ball Return Table

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
7 high 100 4,080 0.001570 0.156986
8 high 50 14,280 0.005495 0.274725
9 high 15 34,680 0.013344 0.200157
10 high 5 70,380 0.027080 0.135400
Jack high 1 127,500 0.049058 0.049058
Loser -1 2,348,040 0.903454 -0.903454
Total   2,598,960 1.000000 -0.087127


The Jackpot bet pays based on the player's final five card hand. Unlike all other bets in this game, this one pays based on a "for one" basis, meaning the player does not get back his original wager on a win. The lower right cell shows a return of 64.86%. In other words, the house edge is 35.14% (ouch!).

Jackpot Return Table

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 20000 4 0.000002 0.030782
Straight flush 2000 36 0.000014 0.027703
Four of a kind 300 624 0.000240 0.072029
Full house 150 3,744 0.001441 0.216086
Flush 50 5,108 0.001965 0.098270
Straight 25 10,200 0.003925 0.098116
Three of a kind 5 54,912 0.021128 0.105642
Loser 0 2,524,332 0.971285 0.000000
Total   2,598,960 1.000000 0.648629

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