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Former Tight End of the New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski Announces his Endorsement of CBD Recovery Products


Former Tight End of the New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski Announces his Endorsement of CBD Recovery Products

The outspoken former tight end for the New England Patriots, Rob Gronkowski, announced on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 that he is endorsing a CBD recovery product that has helped him feel better and become pain free. He has partnered with Abacus Health to launch a product line of CBDMedic recovery treatment solutions.

Gronkowski is hoping the NFL will take CBD off the banned substance list under their policy for performance enhancing drugs so that players can use these products in order to recover from the harsh physical punishment that their bodies endure from playing. He has made claims that while using these products after he retired from professional football that he finally feels good again for the first time in quite a while.

While playing at the tight end position for Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, Gronk endured some many injuries it has become hard to keep track of them all. He also had to put his body through nine separate surgeries not to mention all the rehab assignments that go along with the surgical procedures. At one point during his football playing career Rob had such bad internal bleeding in his leg that he had to go to the hospital three consecutive times in order to have 1000 milliliters of blood drained from his severely injured upper leg.

Gronkowski is obviously getting paid a lot of money to endorse the CBDMedic products for Abacus Health, but he is swearing by how great they have helped him since he has retired from playing in the NFL. He is claiming that he is finally pain free for the first time in over ten years. If these products really do help players recover this well it may be time for the league to investigate if they should allow these type of treatment options to their players.

Career Statistics

    Game Game Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Rece Tota Tota Tota    
Year Tm G GS Tgt Rec Yds Y/R TD Lng R/G Y/G Ctch% Y/Tgt Touch Y/Tch YScm RRTD Fmb
2010 NWE
16 11 59 42 546 13 10 28 2.6 34.1 71.20% 9.3 42 13 546 10 1
2011 NWE
16 16 124 90 1327 14.7 17 52 5.6 82.9 72.60% 10.7 91 14.6 1329 18 0
2012 NWE 11 11 79 55 790 14.4 11 41 5 71.8 69.60% 10 55 14.4 790 11 1
2013 NWE
7 6 66 39 592 15.2 4 50 5.6 84.6 59.10% 9 39 15.2 592 4 0
2014 NWE
15 10 131 82 1124 13.7 12 46 5.5 74.9 62.60% 8.6 82 13.7 1124 12 0
2015 NWE
15 15 120 72 1176 16.3 11 76 4.8 78.4 60.00% 9.8 72 16.3 1176 11 0
2016 NWE
8 6 38 25 540 21.6 3 53 3.1 67.5 65.80% 14.2 25 21.6 540 3 0
2017 NWE
14 14 105 69 1084 15.7 8 53 4.9 77.4 65.70% 10.3 69 15.7 1084 8 1
2018 NWE
13 11 72 47 682 14.5 3 42 3.6 52.5 65.30% 9.5 47 14.5 682 3 1
Career   115 100 794 521 7861 15.1 79 76 4.5 68.4 65.60% 9.9 522 15.1 7863 80 4

Media Statements

“I immediately made CBDMedic part of my recovery,” Gronkowski explained regarding his new post-retirement treatment. And now for the first time in more than a decade, I am pain-free. And that is a big deal.”

“[The injuries] took an absolute beating on my mind and my soul. I was hurt both mentally and physically, day in and day out… I decided to walk away from the game for one reason: I had to recover.”

“It’s just time,” he added in reference to allowing NFL players to use CBD in their recovery.

“It’s crazy. I understand. I feel that love. But I want to be clear to my fans: I needed to recover. I was not in a good place. Football was bringing me down. And I didn’t like it. And I was losing that joy in life. Like, the joy. I’m sorry right now,” an emotional Gronkowski remarked. “But … I really was. And I was fighting through it. And I knew what I signed up for and I knew what I was fighting through, and I knew I just needed to fix myself.

“I truly believe I can get to another level with my body, and I’m just in the first stage right now,” Gronkowski exclaimed. “When that time comes down in the future, if I have the desire to play football again, if I feel passionate about football again, if I’m feeling like I need to go back on the field, I will go back to football. But as of right now, that is not the case. It could be the case in six months, it could be the case in two years, it could be the case in three years, it could be the case in three months. But I truly don’t see it in the foreseeable future, in like a week or a month. No. I want to do a different chapter of my life right now.”

“I was in tears in my bed after a Super Bowl victory. … It didn’t make much sense to me,” he expressed. I couldn’t sleep for more than 20 minutes a night, after a Super Bowl win. And I was like damn, this sucks. It didn’t feel right.”

It’s not normal. It was like record-breaking at the hospital. I was like, you know I like to break records — which I do, I think I broke records on and off the field non-stop, with injuries and everything. That’s what I do.”

“Now, you can just call me Mr. Recovery,” Gronkowski proudly stated. “You know you like that name. Mr. Recovery, baby!


“Rob Gronkowski Announces New Line Of CBD Products, Leaves Door Open For Return To Football”, boston.cbslocal.com, August 27, 2019.

“Rob Gronkowski”, pro-football-reference.com, August 27, 2019.