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Dallas, TX

As you know from my last newsletter, I went to Texas to view the 2024 total eclipse. I arrived in Dallas on Friday and traveled to Waco for the eclipse two days later. That gave me about 48 hours to get to know Dallas. Previously, I had never been there. I have been to 49 of the states, including three previous visits to Texas, but there was never enough time to visit Dallas. This trip would rectify that. This newsletter will be mostly pictures from my visit.

American Airlines Center, where the Mavericks and Stars play.
American Airlines Center, where the Mavericks and Stars play.
One of the earliest log cabins in Dallas.
One of the earliest log cabins in Dallas.
Dallas Courthouse
Dallas Courthouse
The Eyeball
The Eyeball
George W Bush Museum.
George W Bush Museum. This marks my eighth presidential museum. The other seven I have seen are Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and George H W Bush.
Adam Ant was playing that evening at the Majestic.
Adam Ant was playing that evening at the Majestic. I hadn’t heard his name in 40 years.
Katy Trail
Katy Trail
This is a very nicely done 3.5-mile exercise trail. I was very overdressed for it. In my defense, it was cold windy and rainy when I left my hotel, but half an hour later it was sunny, hot and humid.
Kennedy Memorial
Kennedy Memorial
This is the former book depository building from where Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F Kennedy.
This is the former book depository building from where Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F Kennedy. I am supposed to be pointing to the first window from the right side on the sixth floor, where he shot from.
Dealey Plaza.
Dealey Plaza.
The X in on Elm Street here is where the third shot hit Kennedy directly in the head.
The X in on Elm Street here is where the third shot hit Kennedy directly in the head.
Conspiracy theories usually point to a second shooter or only shooter, depending on the version, hiding behind this fence.
Conspiracy theories usually point to a second shooter or only shooter, depending on the version, hiding behind this fence.
Me and Rosa Parks.
Me and Rosa Parks.
Dallas did a great job promoting the eclipse.
Dallas did a great job promoting the eclipse. There were lots of eclipse activities going on, including a festival at this park.

You can see I spent a lot of time around Dealy Plaza. Mrs. Wizard and I went to the Kennedy Memorial first, where there was a conspiracy theory tour going on. Mrs. Wizard seemed quite interested and we followed him through the rest of the tour, including the part at Dealy Plaza.

The tour guide gave a very one-sided version. For example, he said Oswald’s fingerprints were never found on his rifle. Yes, but he conveniently forgot to mention that his palm print was. He also said that Oswald had close to the lowest allowed score for a Marine sharpshooter. That is true of Oswald’s last test, but the guide neglected to say that he scored much better on a previous test. He also didn’t mention that even the worst Marine sharpshooter has to be an outstanding shot and far better than the other branches of the military require.

This trip marked my fourth lengthy trip to Texas. I’ve now been to every major city in Texas and some smaller ones too, including Albany in Shackelford County. I find the people of Texas to be very friendly and Dallas was no exception.