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Turbo Fortune


Turbo Fortune

Turbo Fortune is in the family of vertical wheel games, like Wheel of Fortune/Bix Six. What sets this one apart from most other wheel games is multipliers.

The game is by Real Dealer Studios, a provider of live dealer games for Internet casinos. They also call the game Fortune Finder.


  1. The following table shows the various symbols which the wheel may stop on and the number of such symbols on the wheel.
    • 1 — 23 stops
    • 2 — 15 stops
    • 5 — 7 stops
    • 10 — 4 stops
    • 20 — 2 stops
    • 40 — 1 stop
    • 2x — 1 stop
    • 7x — 1 stop
  2. The player may bet on the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, or 40.
  3. If the player bets on a number and the wheel stops in that same number, then bet the bet shall pay odds equal to that number. For example, winning bets on 5 pay 5 to 1.
  4. The 2x and 7x are multipliers.
  5. If the wheel lands in a multiplier, then the wheel will be re-spun. The multiplier of the first spin will be applied to the win for the outcome of the second spin. For example, if the wheel stops in 7x and the subsequent spin stops in 5, then winning bets on 5 will pay 7×5 = 35 to 1.
  6. If the wheel stops in multiple multipliers, then the product of all the multipliers will be applied to the final winning number. For example, if the sequence of spins goes 7x,2x,7x,10, then winning bets on 10 will be paid 7×2×7×10 = 980 to 1.
  7. I assume the maximum number of multipliers the player may earn on one bet is four. I arrive at four because the math works out to the maximum RTP (Return to Player) claimed by Reel Dealer Studios of 96.58%. It will probably never happen, but I assume if there are four consecutive multipliers, then the dealer will keep spinning the wheel until it stops on a numbers. Any multipliers after five will not count.
fortune finder 3


Following is my analysis of the bet on 1. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 4.66%.

1 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 2401 23 0.000000 0.000125
686 686 92 0.000000 0.000143
343 343 1,196 0.000003 0.000928
196 196 138 0.000000 0.000061
98 98 3,588 0.000008 0.000795
56 56 92 0.000000 0.000012
49 49 64,584 0.000146 0.007157
28 28 3,588 0.000008 0.000227
16 16 23 0.000000 0.000001
14 14 129,168 0.000292 0.004090
8 8 1,196 0.000003 0.000022
7 7 3,487,536 0.007888 0.055213
4 4 64,584 0.000146 0.000584
2 2 3,487,536 0.007888 0.015775
1 1 188,326,944 0.425926 0.425926
Loss -1 246,588,624 0.557692 -0.557692
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.046634

Following is my analysis of the bet on 2. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 4.49%.

2 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 4802 15 0.000000 0.000163
686 1372 60 0.000000 0.000186
343 686 780 0.000002 0.001210
196 392 90 0.000000 0.000080
98 196 2,340 0.000005 0.001037
56 112 60 0.000000 0.000015
49 98 42,120 0.000095 0.009335
28 56 2,340 0.000005 0.000296
16 32 15 0.000000 0.000001
14 28 84,240 0.000191 0.005335
8 16 780 0.000002 0.000028
7 14 2,274,480 0.005144 0.072016
4 8 42,120 0.000095 0.000762
2 4 2,274,480 0.005144 0.020576
1 2 122,821,920 0.277778 0.555556
Loss -1 314,613,072 0.711538 -0.711538
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.044941

Following is my analysis of the bet on 5. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 8.77%.

5 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 12005 7 0.000000 0.000190
686 3430 28 0.000000 0.000217
343 1715 364 0.000001 0.001412
196 980 42 0.000000 0.000093
98 490 1,092 0.000002 0.001210
56 280 28 0.000000 0.000018
49 245 19,656 0.000044 0.010891
28 140 1,092 0.000002 0.000346
16 80 7 0.000000 0.000001
14 70 39,312 0.000089 0.006224
8 40 364 0.000001 0.000033
7 35 1,061,424 0.002401 0.084019
4 20 19,656 0.000044 0.000889
2 10 1,061,424 0.002401 0.024005
1 5 57,316,896 0.129630 0.648148
Loss -1 382,637,520 0.865385 -0.865385
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.087688

Following is my analysis of the bet on 10. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 3.43%.

10 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 24010 4 0.000000 0.000217
686 6860 16 0.000000 0.000248
343 3430 208 0.000000 0.001614
196 1960 24 0.000000 0.000106
98 980 624 0.000001 0.001383
56 560 16 0.000000 0.000020
49 490 11,232 0.000025 0.012447
28 280 624 0.000001 0.000395
16 160 4 0.000000 0.000001
14 140 22,464 0.000051 0.007113
8 80 208 0.000000 0.000038
7 70 606,528 0.001372 0.096022
4 40 11,232 0.000025 0.001016
2 20 606,528 0.001372 0.027435
1 10 32,752,512 0.074074 0.740741
Loss -1 408,146,688 0.923077 -0.923077
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.034280

Following is my analysis of the bet on 20. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 7.27%.

20 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 48020 2 0.000000 0.000217
686 13720 8 0.000000 0.000248
343 6860 104 0.000000 0.001614
196 3920 12 0.000000 0.000106
98 1960 312 0.000001 0.001383
56 1120 8 0.000000 0.000020
49 980 5,616 0.000013 0.012447
28 560 312 0.000001 0.000395
16 320 2 0.000000 0.000001
14 280 11,232 0.000025 0.007113
8 160 104 0.000000 0.000038
7 140 303,264 0.000686 0.096022
4 80 5,616 0.000013 0.001016
2 40 303,264 0.000686 0.027435
1 20 16,376,256 0.037037 0.740741
Loss -1 425,152,800 0.961538 -0.961538
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.072742

Following is my analysis of the bet on 40. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 9.20%.

40 Analysis

Multiplier Pays Combinations Probability Return
2401 96040 1 0.000000 0.000217
686 27440 4 0.000000 0.000248
343 13720 52 0.000000 0.001614
196 7840 6 0.000000 0.000106
98 3920 156 0.000000 0.001383
56 2240 4 0.000000 0.000020
49 1960 2,808 0.000006 0.012447
28 1120 156 0.000000 0.000395
16 640 1 0.000000 0.000001
14 560 5,616 0.000013 0.007113
8 320 52 0.000000 0.000038
7 280 151,632 0.000343 0.096022
4 160 2,808 0.000006 0.001016
2 80 151,632 0.000343 0.027435
1 40 8,188,128 0.018519 0.740741
Loss -1 433,655,856 0.980769 -0.980769
Total   442,158,912 1.000000 -0.091973

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The following table summarizes the house edge on each bet. You can see the best value is on the 10, with a house edge of 3.43%.

House Edge Summary

Bet House Edge
1 4.66%
2 4.49%
5 8.77%
10 3.43%
20 7.27%
40 9.20%

External Links

Real Dealer Studios — Corporate web site of the Turbo Fortune creators.