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Super Rally Championship Hi Lo


Super Rally Championship Hi Lo is a numbers game by 1x2 Gaming. The object is to choose whether a random number from 1 to 14 will be higher or lower than the previous one. If the player gets 20 picks correct, then he finishes the race.


  1. Play starts with the player making a bet.
  2. A random number will then be drawn from 1 to 14.
  3. The player must pick whether the next random number, drawn from the same range, will be higher or lower. A tie is a loss.
  4. If the player picks correctly, then he will be paid odds according to the original number, whether he chose high or low, and the pay table below.
  5. If the player picks incorrectly, then he loses his bet and the game is over.
  6. After every successful pick, the player may quit or keep playing. If he chooses to keep playing, then he will risk his original wager and all subsequent winnings.
  7. If the player goes seven correct picks, then he gets a bonus equal to 10% of his current winnings.
  8. If the player goes 13 correct picks, then he gets a bonus equal to 20% of his current winnings.
  9. If the player goes 20 correct picks, then he gets a bonus equal to 30% of his current winnings and the game will be over.
  10. The player will be allowed three "shuffles" at the beginning of the game, and can earn six more along the way to the end. At the beginning of the game, or after any win, the player may choose to re-draw the last random number. For example, the player may not like it if the random number is 7 or 8, because it is harder to advance to the next step, so he might use a shuffle. This shuffle does not affect the previous outcome.

The following table shows what each correct pick shall pay. All wins are on a "for one" basis, meaning it includes the return of the original wager.

Pay Table

Position Low Hi
1 1.02
2 13.30 1.11
3 6.65 1.21
4 4.43 1.33
5 3.33 1.48
6 2.66 1.66
7 2.22 1.90
8 1.90 2.22
9 1.66 2.66
10 1.48 3.33
11 1.33 4.43
12 1.21 6.65
13 1.11 13.30
14 1.02


The player should try to reach the end of the race or lose trying. Since the expected return is always 95% with each pick, it does not matter whether the player picks hi or low. It does not help nor hurt to "shuffle."


Before considering the 10%, 20%, and 30% bonuses, the expected return with each step is 95%. In other words, a house edge of 5%. After compounding in the bonuses to each step, I find the overall game return depends on the player's overall goal, as follows:

  • Quit before seven wins: 95%.
  • Quit at seven wins: 96.30%.
  • Quit at 13 wins: 97.05%.
  • Quit at 20 wins: 97.60%.