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Texas Station House Way


The following house way for the Texas station is the same as that of the Four Queens.

  • No pair: Place the highest card in the high hand and the next two highest cards in the low hand.
  • One pair: Place the pair in high hand and the next two highest cards in the low hand.
  • Two pair:
    • Ace and any other pair - always split.
    • Face card pair and pair 6's or higher - always split
    • Any two pair 6's or under - never split
    • With any other 2 pair, split unless the hand contains an ace - then play the ace in the 2 card hand
  • Three pair: Always play highest pair in low hand.
  • Three of a kind:
    • Always play three of a kind in high hand except break up three aces.
    • Two three of a kinds - play the lowest 3 of a kind as the high hand and split the higher 3 of a kind
  • Straight:
    • Keep as the high hand.
    • 6 card straight - use the highest card in the low hand.
    • 5 or 6 card straight with a pair - use the pair as the low hand.
    • Straight with 2 pair - play the 2 pair rule.
  • Flush:
    • Keep as the high hand.
    • 6 card flush - use the highest card in the low hand.
    • 5 or 6 card flush with a pair - use the pair as the low hand.
    • Flush with 2 pair - play the 2 pair rule.
  • Straight and a Flush: A flush and a straight with no pair - play the combination that results in the highest 2 card hand.
  • Full house: Split except with pair of 2's and an ace/king can be played inlow hand.
  • Four of a kind: Play according to the rank of the four of a kind:
    • 2 through 6: Always keep together.
    • 7 through 10: Split unless a pair or ace and picture can be played in the low hand.
    • Jack through king: Split unless hand also contains a pair of 10's or higher.
    • Aces: Split unless a pair of 7's or higher can be played in low hand.
  • Straight Flush:
    • Keep as the high hand.
    • Split 2 pair 10's and higher, or a pair of aces and any other pair.
    • Any other two pair with ace - play the 2 pair as high and the ace in the low hand.
    • Play a straight or flush instead of the straight flush if it causes a picture card or higher to be played in the low hand.
  • Royal Flush:
    • Keep as the high hand.
    • Royal flush with a pair - play the pair in the low hand.
    • Royal flush with 2 pair - play the 2 pair rule.
    • Split the royal flush if an ace, king or a pair can be played in the low hand while retaining a straight or flush in the high hand.
  • Five aces: Split unless pair of kings can be played in low hand.