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Keno Appendix 9 - High/Low/Middle Keno


The Lisboa in Macau offers a casino game that can be best translated as High/Low/Middle. It can be found in the "old Lisboa", in the shopping area where the prostitutes walk around.

The game is based on conventional keno, in which 20 ball are drawn randomly out of 80. In addition to the standard type of keno offered in the U.S., the player player may play High/Low/Middle. High is defined as the majority of the 20 balls drawn falling between 41 and 80, Low is the majority falling between 1 and 40, and Middle is a 10/10 split between the High and Low numbers.

The player indicates an exact sequence of High, Low, or Middle for one to three games. The following table shows all the various bets, what they pay, the probability of winning, and the return. Pays are on a "for one" basis, in other words, the player never gets his original bet back.


Return Table for High/Low/Middle

Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pays Probability Return
High or Low 2 0.398378 0.796757
Middle 4 0.203243 0.812972
High or Low High or Low 4 0.158705 0.634822
High or Low Middle 8 0.080968 0.647741
Middle High or Low 8 0.080968 0.647741
Middle Middle Middle 16 0.041308 0.660924
High or Low High or Low High or Low 8 0.063225 0.505799
High or Low High or Low Middle 16 0.032256 0.516092
High or Low Middle High or Low 16 0.032256 0.516092
High or Low Middle Middle 32 0.016456 0.526596
Middle High or Low High or Low 16 0.032256 0.516092
Middle High or Low Middle 32 0.016456 0.526596
Middle Middle High or Low 32 0.016456 0.526596
Middle Middle Middle 64 0.008396 0.537313