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Great Cheese Heist


The Great Cheese Heist is a simple minefield kind of game by FunFair Technologies. It involves a mouse navigating a minefield, laced with cheese and mousetraps.


  1. There are three board to choose from: 2x3, 3x6, or 4x9.
  2. After choosing a board, the player must navigate through a matrix filled with cheese and mousetraps. Each column has one mousetrap and every other row has cheese.
  3. The player must choose a row.
  4. After making his choice, the game will show which row has the mousetrap in the next column.
  5. If the player chose a row with cheese, his balance will be increased. If he choose a row with a mousetrap, then he losses.

The following table shows what each level pays according to all throw boards.

Pay Table

Level 2x3 3x6 4x9
1 1.92 1.44 1.28
2 3.69 2.07 1.64
3 7.08 2.99 2.10
4   4.30 2.68
5   6.19 3.44
6   8.92 4.40
7     5.63
8     7.21
9     9.22


The following table shows my analysis of the 2x3 board. It shows the player can expect a return of about 96% for each marginal additional step he takes.

2x3 Analysis

Level Pays Probability Return
(per game resolved)
(per step)
1 1.92 0.500000 0.960000 0.960000
2 3.69 0.250000 0.922500 0.960938
3 7.08 0.125000 0.885000 0.959350

The following table shows my analysis of the 3x6 board. It shows the player can expect a return of about 96% for each marginal additional step he takes.

3x6 Analysis

Level Pays Probability Return
(per game resolved)
(per step)
1 1.44 0.666667 0.960000 0.960000
2 2.07 0.444444 0.920000 0.958333
3 2.99 0.296296 0.885926 0.962963
4 4.30 0.197531 0.849383 0.958751
5 6.19 0.131687 0.815144 0.959690
6 8.92 0.087791 0.783100 0.960689

The following table shows my analysis of the 4x9 board. It shows the player can expect a return of about 96% for each marginal additional step he takes.

4x9 Analysis

Level Pays Probability Return
(per game resolved)
(per step)
1 1.28 0.750000 0.960000 0.960000
2 1.64 0.562500 0.922500 0.960938
3 2.10 0.421875 0.885938 0.960366
4 2.68 0.316406 0.847969 0.957143
5 3.44 0.237305 0.816328 0.962687
6 4.40 0.177979 0.783105 0.959302
7 5.63 0.133484 0.751514 0.959659
8 7.21 0.100113 0.721814 0.960480
9 9.22 0.075085 0.692281 0.959085