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Omaha Hold’em

Omaha Hold 'em is a poker variant similar to Texas Hold 'em where players compete against each other for the pot. The primary difference between Omaha and Texas Hold 'em is that in Omaha each player receives four cards instead of two, and each player's final five-card hand must use exactly two hole cards and exactly three community cards. Otherwise, the game is played the same as Texas Hold 'em with a three-card flop, a single-card turn, and a single-card river. There are betting rounds before the flop, turn, and river, and a final betting round after the river.

Omaha is often played in the Hi/Lo variant, where half the pot is awarded to the player(s) with the highest high hand, and the other half is awarded to the player(s) with the lowest low hand. The most common Hi/Lo variant requires a low hand which is no higher than 8-high. For the purpose of the low hand, Aces are considered always low; straights and flushes do not count. If no low hand is possible (either because the community cards do not allow for one and/or because no player has at least two low cards), then the entire pot is awarded to the player(s) with the highest high hand. Thus, A2345 is the best possible low hand, even if it is a straight flush. Throughout the Omaha Hi/Lo pages, the starting hand values assume the 8-high variant is being played.

All hands are listed using relative suits rather than absolute suits. Each suit is separated by a slash (/) character, and the ranks within each suit are sorted from lowest to highest. For example, A♥ Q♠ K♥ J♠ is listed as JQ/KA, and 5♦ 2♥ 4♣ 3♠ is listed as 2/3/4/5.

All of the starting hand values assume that all players stay in to the showdown. To explore the value of Omaha starting hands, please click on a hand category below. Note that the hand values were derived via simulation and are therefore not 100% accurate, but very close.



Omaha Hi/Lo


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