Casino Dominoes with Playing Cards (not tiles) - Video Interview

Hi, I'm Michael Shackleford with the Wizard of Odds website. I'm here at the 2017 cutting edge Table Game Show at the Paris Casino in Las Vegas.

Casino Dominoes

I'm joined by Harold Moret. Harold has a game that uses playing cards featuring dominoes. Harold, can you tell me more about it, please?

[00:00:28] Harold Moret: Yes. Casino Dominoes which is the first house bank table game that utilizes domino playing cards opposed to traditional tiles and or traditional playing cards which you would use in a regular game.

Yes, it was about time that we infuse dominoes into a casino game. That's really what Casino Dominoes is about.

[00:00:51] Michael: Yes. I've never seen dominoes in a casino game before with the possible exception of Pai Gow tiles. Can you tell me a little bit more about the play of the game?

[00:01:03] Harold: Well, the object of the game, you have two bets. One is a mandatory bet and one is the optional bet. The object of the game is to match your four cards to the dealer's community card and to match them in multiples of five.

Then the doubles bet is how many doubles you have. Two or more doubles, you get a payout. Four doubles, the dealer's up card is a double, you get a 500 to one payout which is amazing in terms of a payout.

[00:01:30] Michael: Well, I can't wait to try it.

Casino Dominoes

Can I play a few hands?

[00:01:32] Harold: Yes, you can, sir.

[00:01:34] Dealer: Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. All right.

We're going to deal a couple hands of Casino Dominoes

In this game, we actually have two ways a player can win. We have the main game, which is here, then we have the side bet, the doubles bet. What we're looking at with the doubles, is we're looking for as many pairs as we have in our hands.

Here we have two pairs, the sixes and the twos. The second game or the main game actually, what we want to do is we want to come up with as many multiples of five using the four player cards and the one community up card.

What we have here, we actually do not have a winner on the main game in this hand, but because of the two doubles pays two to one on the side bet.

Here on this hand…

…we have no winner on the doubles. However, we see here the two fives connect, and the six plus the four equals 10. 10 on the main game, 10 points pays three to one. The doubles bet loses. All right. Let's deal one more hand.

All right let's see what we have here:

On this hand, we have no pairs and we actually have no connecting cards whatsoever, so this hand loses everything. This hand, again, we have two doubles, the sixes and twos, and we have 10 points.

Because this is a pair…

…we add the twos together for four. The twos plus the six equals 10. Again, the main bet is going to pay three to one. On this hand, we have 10 points on the main bet and then we have two doubles that's going to pay two to one on the doubles. All right.

Guys want to play one more hand?

[00:04:25] Player: Yes.

[00:04:26] Dealer: All right. Hopefully, we can get some winners here. The one up card. All right. The doubles, we only have one double which the side bet, the double is going to lose. It also looks as if- We have five points here.

The doubles bet again is going to lose. Because of the five points, we're going to pay two to one on the main bet.

Here, what do we have? Here we have no doubles at all and there's actually no winner on the main bet either.

[00:05:27] Player: Okay, I think I understand it.

[00:05:28] Dealer: All right. Well, I'm glad to hear. Hopefully, you can play this at a casino near you soon.

[00:05:33] Michael: Harold, thank you so much for showing me the game and I hope to see you in a casino soon.

[00:05:37] Harold: You will. Thank you. I appreciate it.

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