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Burning Man 2018 -- 9/4/2018

Hello, my teeming millions, I mean dozens, of fans. I'm sorry for the long time since my last newsletter, but will try to make this a weekly thing.

I just returned from Burning Man yesterday. If you don't know what that is, every year around Labor Day 80,000 people convene in a remote dry lake in northern Nevada to celebrate, um, well, I'm still not sure what the official reason is. There, for a week only, Black Rock City, where Burning Man is held, will be the second largest city in Nevada. It will have no running water, no electricity, no place to get rid of trash, and nothing to buy except coffee and ice. Any entertainment is strictly provided by the participants themselves.

That said, Burning Man is a blast! It is very difficult to explain why. At Burning Man you truly leave the real world behind and free to indulge in whatever turns you on, so long as it is consensual and doesn't leave any trace. Many say Burning Man is the real world and the other 51 weeks of the year are just waiting for it.

There is so much to say and I'm still processing all the stimulation from my four and a half days there. For now, I put together this video, which is meant to be just an overview. I plan to make more videos about particular things and events. Meanwhile, please enjoy my video on my experience at Burning Man 2018.