Return to UCSB
I just returned from another fun week at the Family Vacation Center. It is a family-oriented camp held in the dorms where I went to college at the University of California at Santa Barbara. We usually attend week 7, if you’re interested in joining me in 2025.
While there I revisited all six places where I lived over my five years there. Here is a map to help explain their locations. They are numbered in chronological order.

In closing, I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. In a future newsletter, I plan to post some pictures taken around the campus.
August 1, 2024 Puzzle
Here was the puzzle asked in the August 1, 2024 newsletter
You have a Jeep that can travel 100 miles per gallon. The Jeep may carry up to four one-gallon containers. You are tasked with delivering a letter to an outpost 400 miles away in the desert. There is no supply of gas in the desert. However, there is an unlimited supply of gas and canisters at your starting point, which you may return to as many times as you wish.
How can you deliver the letter and return with only 14 gallons of gas? Leaving caches of gas in the desert is allowed, but only full canisters.
August 1, 2024 Puzzle Solution
- 1. Drive 100 miles out and leave 3 canisters. Then return home. Total gas consumed = 2 gallons.
- 2. Drive 100 miles out and top off your tank, leaving two 2 canisters 100 miles out. Total gas consumed = 3 gallons.
- 3. Drive another 100 miles out, to the 200-mile point. Leave 3 canisters. Total gas consumed = 4 gallons.
- 4. Drive back 100 miles, to the 100-mile point. Transfer one canister to your jeep. Total gas consumed = 5 gallons.
- 5. Drive back home. At this point, you will have one canister 100 miles out and three canisters 200 miles out. Total gas consumed = 6 gallons.
- 6. Leave with a full tanks and 3 canisters of gas. Travel 200 miles out. Transfer 2 canisters from the cache to the jeep, leaving one canister there. At this point the Jeep will have a full tank and three canisters. There will one canister at both the 100 and 200 mile points. Total gas consumed = 8 gallons.
- 7. Deliver the letter and return to the 200 mile point. Transfer the one canister to your Jeep. Total gas consumed = 12 gallons.
- 8. Go back to the 100-mile point. Transfer the one canister to your Jeep. Total gas consumed = 13 gallons.
- 9. Go back home. Total gas consumed = 14 gallons.
August 8, 2024 Puzzle
There are five lions and one goat in a pen. The lions are all awake and hungry. If a lion eats the goat or another lion, it will get sleepy and get eaten by another lion. The lions are all perfect logicians and do not share their food. The priority of the lions is first to stay alive and second to eat. What would happen? For extra credit, what would happen with n number of lions?