License Plate Collectors Meet -- 6/30/2017

From time to time I write about one of my passions besides gambling -- license plates. The club I belong to, the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association has dozens of small meets all over the country but once a year hosts a big national meet somewhere in the country. For 2017 it was in Ontario, California. I was overdue to visit my mother nearby, so spent a day at what is my third national meet since joining the club in the mid 1980's.

I'm at a place in my collection where I've filled in just about every plate I need from the states I emphasize -- California, Nevada, and Maryland (the three states I've lived in). What few I don't have are very difficult to find, especially at an affordable price. I am thinking of going after runs (meaning every style of license plate every issued) from Arizona and/or Utah but am hoping to buy a collection of said plates to get me going, as opposed to going plate by plate, which is more expensive. So far, I haven't had such an opportunity.

I didn't want to leave the show empty handed so added some more plates to my collections of license plates from the Caribbean, Pacific Islands, and "enemy states." Here is an example of a nice one from the state of Aimelik in Palau.

Note the alligator (or is that a crocodile) on the front lawn. I also managed to get one from Somalia, which is not an easy place to even get to, let alone get a license plate out of.

For lots more, please see my recent blog entry at Wizard of Vegas.

Until next week, may the Odds be ever in your favor.