Wizard Of Odds Weekly Update June 13, 2019
One of Vegas' best kept secrets is Nelson's Landing. To those who already know about it, I apologize (actually, I don't) for writing about it. What is it, you might ask?

Nelson's Landing is a cove on the Colorado River, about an hour drive from Vegas. It is the perfect spot to cool off during the hot summer. For the kids, the beach is a fun and safe place to splash around. For the more sedentary adults, bring a shade structure and an ice chest (my Australian friend called it an esky) full of beer, and you'll enjoy watching the fun. For the more adventurous - go jump off a cliff. Seriously! This is a great spot for it, with cliffs of various heights to suit everybody. From the main beach, you see one spot only, but there are others if you hike further south along the cliffs.
This picture shows the most popular jumping spot, which can be seen from the beach at the cove. This is a friend taking a jump. Do not go in the sitting position that you see her taking. She was punished for it with a very painful entry and big bruise on her behind.
Rather, go in a standing position, legs straight, toes pointed down. Hold your nose with one hand. Men, hold your nuts with other hand. Women, I guess you should hold your other hand at your side, but what do I know about that? I hear this is the same advice given to men in the Navy if you have to abandon a large ship by jumping off it.
I hope to return later this summer season and do a proper video. Until now, here is a short one made during a previous trip of me jumping:

Here is a proper video somebody else did that better captures the experience:

Be sure to bring plenty of water and sunscreen. As mentioned, I would highly recommend a shade structure, but it isn't absolutely necessary. I didn't bring one this last trip and some kind neighbors let us share theirs. If you bring young children, bring some kind of inflatable vessel they can play in.
To get to Nelson's Landing from Las Vegas:
- Take the I-11 south (if you haven't heard of it, this is the new Interstate that will eventually link Vegas and Phoenix)
- Take the 95 south, as if you were going to Laughlin.
- Nine miles down the 95, turn left onto the road to Nelson. It's a small sign, so look carefully.
- Take this road until you can see the river. The parking lot at the end is NOT where you want to go. Just before, turn right onto an unmarked dirt road. This dirt road is not bad, most cars should be fine.
- Follow that dirt road going away from the river. You will probably question if it is the right way, as you head away from the river, but it is.
- The dirt road will make a u-turn and then head to the correct cove.
- You may have to park quite a ways up the road on a busy weekend. My advice - either arrive early or go on a weekday.

This map shows a turnoff from the dirt road you need to take onto an Eagle Washington Rd., but I never noticed it. Just stay on the main dirt road and you should be fine.
Trust me, this is a great tip. If you go prepared and have the least appreciation for the outdoors, you should have a great time.
In other news, I would like to announce a $1,000 blackjack tournament, June 21-23, at the U.S.-friendly Vegas Crest casino.