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Memories of 2007

This is another week when I couldn’t think of anything current to write about, so I’m falling back on taking a trip down memory lane. This time, to the year 2007.

Let’s start with some pictures of places I went.

Mexican Riviera cruise

The picture above was taken on a Mexican Riviera cruise. Behind us is Acapulco.

Shawn Farquhar

On that same cruise I had the pleasure to play and beat magician Shawn Farquhar at chess. By the way, I have also beaten author David Guterson.

Mexican Riviera cruise

My friend Kathy was kind enough to show me around some non-gambling-related sites in Macau. Here we are at a Buddhist temple, whose name I forgot.

Mexican Riviera cruise

I took a family trip to Maui. Here I am at the Garden of Eden Arboretum, on my second attempt to drive the entire road to Hana. I failed that time too. Dinking around at every site along the way, like I do, doesn’t help one’s chances. Neither does traveling with people who get carsick. Hopefully, whenever I got back, the third time will be the charm.

Hong Kong

Did you know the longest moving walkway (is that the right term?) in the world, is in Hong Kong. Here I am juggling oranges on it. Nobody seemed impressed.

Death Valley

Here I am on a family trip to Death Valley, at the lowest point in the United States.

Vashon Island, Washington

Here I am taking a sailing lesson off the coast of Vashon Island, Washington.


One of my goals is to visit all 50 states. I crossed Idaho off my list in 2007.
As of this writing, in 2021, the only state left is North Dakota.

Spokane, Washington

Here I am next to a very large wagon in Spokane, Washington. The handle is a slide.

Now, onto the pictures you really want, of me with Playboy Bunnies.

Playboy Bunnies
Superbowl party at the old Playboy Club at the Palms

I had the pleasure of being invited to a Superbowl party at the old Playboy Club at the Palms. It was pleasantly replete with Bunnies.
I won a lot of money on prop bets too – what a great day!

Thanks for joining me on this trip to 2007. I hope to see you when I visit 2008 in a newsletter coming soon.