Weekly Update
I often have a difficult time thinking of a topic for these newsletters. This week I will test out a new idea, which is to have a simple weekly summary of my life, both personally and as the Wizard.

When I woke up on Tuesday, I was pleasantly surprised to see white outside! On these rare occasions, which are about once every few years in Las Vegas, you have to act on it quickly, because the sun will quickly melt what little snow we get. So, I headed over to a nearby park with my skis and took advantage of the snow while I could. I got plenty of compliments on my skis. By noon, the snow was 99% gone.

On Sunday I went rappelling with a friend at nearby Calico Basin. This is me doing a free-hanging rappel. I am proud to say I have all my own gear and can establish the anchors myself. No longer do I need an expert to do that part for me.
In Wizard-related news, my biggest new project is a review of the Keefer Roulette System. I have written about betting systems before, but this is the first time I’ve done one of one that isn’t free and outside the public domain. As always, both random simulation and direct math prove that not only doesn’t it overcome the house edge the system does not even dent it.
On a related note, if any reader would like me to publish an analysis of a popular or for-profit betting system, please let me see it. I’m not afraid of violating privacy laws and happy to keep your identity a secret. Better yet, just don’t tell me your identity. It is my goal to tell the world that betting systems don’t overcome the house edge and I am happy to prove it.
I hope you have enjoyed the brief weekly summary. Have a great week and may the odds be ever in your favor.