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Double Exposure

Dealer Hits Soft 17 Strategy

The following tables show the basic strategy for double exposure when the dealer hits on soft 17. To use the charts look up the player's hand along the left column and the dealer's hand along the top row.

Player Hard Totals


Player Soft Totals


Player Splits



  • S = Stand
  • H = Hit
  • Dh = Double if allowed, otherwise hit
  • Ds = Double if allowed, otherwise stand
  • S/Ds = Stand on first two cards, double if after splitting and allowed, otherwise stand
  • P = Split
  • P/H = Split if allowed to double after a split, otherwise hit
  • P/S = Split if allowed to double after a split, otherwise stand
  • P/D = Split if allowed to double after a split, otherwise double

To see the basic strategy when the dealer stands on soft 17, see my main section on double exposure.