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Brother, can you spare a dime?

Through the years, I've had many readers say they received a lot of value from the site and requested to make a donation to show their thanks. For years I said "no thanks," out of pride. However, the last two years have been rough financially for me and I've reconsidered my position on accepting donations.

Please ask yourself if you feel this site has saved you money in the casinos or given you any other kind of educational or entertainment value. Once you've calculated the value the site has given you, I am suggesting a tithe, or 10%, of that back. That is just a suggestion. I'm not asking for pity but rather a recognition of the value you have received.

I'm grateful for anything. To donate, please click on the piggybank in the footer of the site. Thank you for your consideration.

Your financial support also helps beautify my adopted stretch of the I-15 Highway, south of Vegas.