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Gambling with an Edge

I'm excited to announce beginning February 3 I will co-host the radio program Gambling with an Edge with Bob Dancer. The show is Thursdays at 7:00 PM on KLAV 1230 AM in Las Vegas. Don't panic if you're not in Vegas, since you can listen to the station live anytime from their web site. I also plan to archive past shows here, as Bob Dancer does at BobDancer.com.

Gambling with an Edge premiered on Feb 3, 2011 with hosts Bob Dancer and Frank Kneeland. Coincidentally, I was the guest on the first show, the first of three appearances. Six months later, Frank was replaced by co-host Richard Munchkin. Now, another six months later, Richard decided to leave the show and I will be assuming his spot.

As the name implies, the show is about gambling; in particular, advantage gambling. Personally, I would like to diversify the topics and guests a little. To be specific, I would like to interview some typical people in common Vegas professions to learn how to get started and advance as well as to gain advice on etiquette and tipping. Gambling will still be the emphasis, of course.

If you think you would make an appropriate guest on the show, feel free to contact me.
