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Ask The Wizard #404

What is the optimal strategy for the game of Tsyan Shizi (sometimes called "take stones" or "Chinese nim")?  


For the benefit of other readers, let me explain the rules of Tsyan Shizi.

  1. The game starts with two unequal piles of stones.
  2. The players will take turns.
  3. Each turn will consist of removing any number of stones from either pile or the same number from both.
  4. The player to remove the last stone WINS.

Consider the following table for my strategy.

Difference Play
0 All
1 1,2
2 3,5
3 4,7
4 6,10
5 8,13
6 9,15
7 11,18
8 12,20
9 14,23
10 16,26

For a longer table of up to differences of 89, please click the spoiler box below.


Difference Play
0 All
1 1,2
2 3,5
3 4,7
4 6,10
5 8,13
6 9,15
7 11,18
8 12,20
9 14,23
10 16,26
11 17,28
12 21,33
13 22,35
14 24,38
15 25,40
16 29,45
17 30,47
18 32,50
19 33,52
20 35,55
21 37,58
22 38,60
23 42,65
24 43,67
25 45,70
26 46,72
27 55,82
28 56,84
29 58,87
30 59,89
31 63,94
32 64,96
33 66,99
34 67,101
35 76,111
36 77,113
37 79,116
38 80,118
39 84,123
40 85,125
41 87,128
42 88,130
43 90,133
44 92,136
45 93,138
46 97,143
47 98,145
48 100,148
49 101,150
50 110,160
51 111,162
52 113,165
53 114,167
54 118,172
55 119,174
56 121,177
57 122,179
58 144,202
59 145,204
60 147,207
61 148,209
62 152,214
63 153,216
64 155,219
65 156,221
66 165,231
67 166,233
68 168,236
69 169,238
70 173,243
71 174,245
72 176,248
73 177,250
74 199,273
75 200,275
76 202,278
77 203,280
78 207,285
79 208,287
80 210,290
81 211,292
82 220,302
83 221,304
84 223,307
85 224,309
86 228,314
87 229,316
88 231,319
89 232,321


Here is my strategy, based on the table above.

  1. Note the difference in stones between the two piles.
  2. For difference of ten or less, consult the table above on what to play.
  3. If both piles have enough stones to play according to the table above, then remove the same number of stones from both piles to achieve the state in the "play" column.
  4. If both piles do NOT have enough stones to play according to the table above (for example with 6 and 11), then take stones from one pile to achieve any of the states in the table. For example, with 6 and 11, you would take 1 from the 11 pile to achieve a state of 10,6.
  5. The only other possibility is you ARE in one of the states above. Then you are screwed if playing with a skilled player, as he will be able to force you onto another losing positions in the table no matter what you do. If not playing with a skilled player, I recommend taking just one stone from either pile, to give your opponent more opportunity to screw up.

What is the probability of getting a jackpot (win of $1,200 or more) in 9/6 Jacks or Better in multi-play video poker?


Of course, it depends on the denomination and number of plays. The following table shows those probabilities.

Jackpot Probability in Multi-Play Video Poker

Denomination 3 Play 5 Play 10 Play 25 Play 50 Play 100 Play
$0.01 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000001 0.000001
$0.05 0.000000 0.000000 0.000001 0.000001 0.000002 0.000022
$0.10 0.000001 0.000001 0.000002 0.000006 0.000047 0.000378
$0.25 0.000002 0.000003 0.000008 0.000053 0.000369 0.000556
$0.50 0.000070 0.000115 0.000238 0.000782 0.001247 0.008527
$1.00 0.000070 0.000128 0.000473 0.000786 0.009518 0.072671
$2.00 0.000083 0.000363 0.000488 0.010002 0.070029 0.239753
$5.00 0.000720 0.001290 0.012978 0.100374 0.318838 0.768839
$25.00 0.041494 0.124818 0.348811 0.835708 0.995943 0.999983

This table was taken from my video poker appendix 2, where I show how often the player gets each total win in a large simulation.

There are ten lilllipads in a row on a lake.  There is a fly on the tenth lillipad, which a frog on the shore wants to eat.  The frog may jump in one direction only and may advance one or two lillipads per jump.  How many different sets of lillipads are there that the flog lands on? Note that the frog must land on the tenth lillipad to eat the fly. 


Let's reduce this problem to one lillipad and then add one more at a time, to try to find a pattern.

If there were just one lillipad, then the answer is obviously 1.

If there were two lillipads, then the frog could either jump on the first pad on the way or over it, for a total of 2 sets.

If there were three lillipads, then the first jump could advance the frog either one or two pads. That will put him either 1 or 2 pads way. We have seen there is one way to advance one pad and two ways to advance two. Adding the choice of the first move, there are 1+2 = 3 sets.

If there were four lillipads, then the first jump could advance the frog either one or two pads. That will put him either 2 or 3 pads way. We have seen there is are 2 ways to advance 2 and 3 ways to advance 3. Adding the choice of the first move, there are 2+3 = 5 sets.

If there were five lillipads, then the first jump could advance the frog either one or two pads. That will put him either 3 or 4 pads way. We have seen there is are 3 ways to advance 3 and 5 ways to advance 4. Adding the choice of the first move, there are 3+5 = 8 sets.

This is following the Fibonacci sequence. The following list shows there are 89 ways to land on the 10th pad.

  • 1 pad = 1 ways.
  • 2 pads = 2 ways.
  • 3 pads = 3 ways.
  • 4 pads = 5 ways.
  • 5 pads = 8 ways.
  • 6 pads = 13 ways.
  • 7 pads = 21 ways.
  • 8 pads = 34 ways.
  • 9 pads = 55 ways.
  • 10 pads = 89 ways.