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This Day in Sports History (9/13/2020 – (9/19/2020)


This Day in Sports History (9/13/2020 – (9/19/2020)

September 13th, 1849

  • The first prize fight fatality in the United States of America (Tom McCoy).

September 14th, 1986

  • Bo Jackson of the Kansas City Royals hits his first Major League Baseball home run.

September 15th, 1938

  • The only time in MLB history that brothers hit back to back home runs (Lloyd and Paul Waner of the Pittsburgh Pirates).

September 16th, 1887

  • The first softball game is played in Chicago, Illinois.

September 17th, 1920

  • The American Pro Football Association is organized in Canton, Ohio.

September 18th, 1949

  • MLB record four grand slams hit.

September 19th, 1947

  • Jackie Robinson is named Rookie of the Year.