Joe Biden Trivia

In honor of the upcoming US presidential election, I will devote the next two newsletters to trivia about the two major party candidates. We will start with Joe Biden. I promise that next week I will attempt to give fair and equal treatment to Donald Trump.
- What is Joe Biden’s full name?
- What sport did Biden play in both high school and college?
- Where did Biden go to college as an undergraduate and what did he major in?
- Out of 688 in Biden’s graduating class, what was Biden’s ranking?
- Biden escaped being drafted into the Vietnam War for what reason?
- Biden later went into graduate school. Where did he go and what degree what did he earn?
- In 1973, Biden became a US senator, representing Delaware. How old was he at the time?
- How many children does Biden have?
- In 1988, Biden required emergency surgery, twice, for what reason?
- How did Biden vote in the 2002 vote on authorizing military force against Iraq?
- How many times has Biden run for president in the primaries and in what years?
- Since 1970, Biden has run for public office ten times. How many times did he win?
- Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
- Football. He played baseball too in high school.
- Bachelor of Arts from the University of Delaware in history and political science.
- 506th.
- He suffered from asthma.
- He earned a law degree from the Syracuse University College of Law.
- 30, the minimum age to be a US senator.
- Four. Three from his first wife, Neilia Hunter – Joseph “Beau”, Robert Hunter, and Naomi, and one from second wife, Ashley.
- Brain aneurisms.
- In favor.
- Three times – 1988, 2008, and 2020.
- All ten.
In closing, I would like to repeat that I have attempted to keep these questions and answers fair and unbiased. I will attempt to do the same next week with Donald Trump trivia. I make no public endorsement, as the Wizard, of either candidate.
Source for all questions and answers: Wikipedia