60’s Trivia part 1
Last Friday, I enjoyed celebrating the 60’s birthday of a friend of mine. If you do that math, anyone turning 60 now would have also been born in the 60’s. Part of my contribution to the party was to host a 1960’s trivia challenge. I had so many questions I decided to break them into two newsletters. This one shall be the first 2.

- 1. On November 15, 1964, who was quoted as saying “Don’t trust anyone over the age of 30” in the San Francisco Chronicle?
- 2. Which car from the 1960’s car did Ralph Nader claim was “unsafe at any speed”?
- 3. Including tape and DVD sales, what was the highest grossing movie of the 1960’s?
- 4. In 1962, Burundi gained independence from which country?
- 5. In 1961, who became the first man in space?
- 6. In 1965, which Pope was the first to visit the United States?
- 7. Which two actors played the role of Darrin in Bewitched?
- 8. Which seven countries gained independence from France in the 1960’s?
- 9. In 1968, who assassinated Robert Kenedy and in what city?
- 10. Which mission successfully landed men on the moon for the first time and name all three astronauts in the crew?
- 11. In 1961, at what club in Liverpool would you find the Beatles on a regular basis?
- 12. The sinking of which US Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin set off the Vietnam War?
- 13. What was Coca-Cola’s first diet soda called?
- 14. In 1966, the Miranda rights mentioned two rights and one warning. What were they?
- 15. In the 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, what is the model number of the HAL computer?
- 16. In 1963, what were the most popular boys’ and girls’ names in the US?
- 17. Which two candidates appeared in the first televised presidential debate?
- 18. In 1967, the BBC banned which Beatles song, for allegedly referring to drugs?
- 19. What does the acronym SALT stand for, as in the SALT I treaty between the USA and USSR?
- 20. What controversial drug was introduced in 1960?

- 1. Jack Weinberg
- 2. Chevrolet Corvair
- 3. 101 Dalmatians
- 4. Belgium
- 5. Yuri Gagarin
- 6. Pope Paul VI
- 7. Dick Sargent and Dick York
- 8. Togo, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Benin, Chad and Mauritania
- 9. Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles
- 10. Apollo 11 – Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Michael Collins
- 11. The Cavern Club
- 12. Maddox
- 13. TaB
- 14. Right to remain silent and to an attorney. Anything said could be used against you.
- 15. 9000
- 16. Michael and Lisa
- 17. Kennedy and Nixon
- 18. A Day in the Life
- 19. Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
- 20. The birth control pill.