US History Trivia
This week we salute the 247th birthday of the United States of America! To help, I present the following July Fourth trivia challenge!

- 1. How many signatures are on the Declaration of Independence?
- 2. In which year did the Star-Spangled Banner become our national anthem?
- 3. Which president held the first White House celebration of the Fourth of July?
- 4. On July 4, 1960, which state became the 50th star on the US flag?
- 5. Who was the first president born in the United States?
- 6. How many times is the Liberty Bell tapped on every Fourth of July?
- 7. Where is the Declaration of Independence on display?
- 8. Which type of bird did Benjamin Franklin want as our national symbol, instead of an eagle?
- 9. Which building in the US is 1,776 feet high?
- 10. Who hosts a hot dog eating contest every Fourth of July?
- 11. Who won the hog dog eating contest in 2022 and how many did he/she eat?
- 12. Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?
- 13. Which president died on a July 9, allegedly from food poising five days earlier, at a Fourth of July celebration?
- 14. What city holds the record for the longest-running Fourth of July parade?
- 15. Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death”?
- 16. Who said, “I have not yet begun to fight!”
- 17. Which three presidents died of the fourth of July?
- 18. Which president was born on the fourth of July?
- 19. What woman’s name appears on official copies of the Declaration of Independence?
- 20. On what date did the Continental Congress vote to declare independence from England?

- 1. 56
- 2. 1931
- 3. Thomas Jefferson
- 4. Hawaii
- 5. Martin Van Buren
- 6. 13
- 7. The National Archives in Washington DC
- 8. A turkey
- 9. One World Trade Center
- 10. Nathan’s on Coney Island, NY
- 11. Joey Chestnut, 63
- 12. John Hancock
- 13. Zachary Taylor
- 14. Bristol, Rhode Island. They have had one every year since 1785.
- 15. Patrick Henry
- 16. John Paul Jones
- 17. Adams, Jefferson and Monroe
- 18. Calvin Coolidge
- 19. Mary Katherine Goddard
- 20. July 2, 1776