Golden Girls Trivia
This week guest writer Anne Larson takes the week off for medical reasons. Instead, I’m back. I debated between two topics. Since this newsletter is being distributed on January 6, I was going to go with a trivia challenge on political insurrections in U.S. history. However, out of respect for Betty White, who passed on December 31, three weeks short of her 100th birthday, we will celebrate her life with some Golden Girls trivia!

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- What snack did the Golden Girls frequently eat?
- What was the name of Rose’s husband?
- What was the name of Dorothy’s ex-husband?
- What was the name of Sophia’s husband?
- What was the name of Blanche’s husband?
- Which was the only husband never seen on the show, including in flashbacks?
- Which of the major actresses was born first?
- Who was older in real life, Estelle Getty or Bea Arthur?
- What was the name and nickname of Blanche’s father?
- What was Dorothy’s last name?
- What was Rose’s last name?
- What was Blanche’s last name?
- What was Sophia’s last name?
- How many chairs were in the kitchen?
- What were the names of Rose’s daughters?
- What caused the fire at Sophia’s previous home at Shady Pines that caused her to move in with Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche?
- What was Dorothy’s childhood nickname?
- What was the name of Blanche’s granddaughter?
- What was the name of the flight attendant Stan married after divorcing Dorothy?
- What was the Zbornie, Stan’s million-dollar invention?
- What was Blanche’s maiden name?
- What was the name of dog the Golden Girls sometimes dog-sat?
- The Golden Girls briefly operated a concession stand at the beach. What did it sell?
- What TV game show did the Golden Girls travel to California to appear on?
- Which character suffered a heart attack?

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- Cheesecake
- Charlie
- Stan
- Sal
- George
- Charlie
- Betty White, who was born on January 17, 1922. We all know that despite being the oldest, she died last.
- Estelle Getty (born July 25, 1923), who played Sophia. Yes, she was younger in real life than Bea Arthur (born May 13, 1922), who played her daughter on the show.
- Curtis and Big Daddy.
- Zbornak
- Nylund
- Devereaux
- Petrillo
- Three
- Bridget, Gunilla, and Kirsten
- A faulty heater
- Moose
- Aurora
- Chrissy
- A baked potato opener
- Hollingsworth
- Dreyfuss
- Pizza and knishes
- Grab that Dough
- Rose
I’d like to close this newsletter by sharing one of my favorite scenes -- The Great Herring War.