Laverne & Shirley Trivia
This week we pay tribute to Cindy Williams, who played Shirley on Laverne & Shirley. She passed on January 25. In the late 70’s and early 80’s, I was devoted fan of the show. It is rare that I think that a spin-off, of which L&S was of Happy Days, was better than the original show. I actually saw an episode in the live studio audience, the one where Carmine shows up to visit Shirley at their California apartment.
In honor of Cindy, I present the following trivia challenge.

- 1. In which two cities did the show take place?
- 2. What beverage did Laverne like to drink, especially when sad?
- 3. When the show moved locations, it also flashed forward in time how many years?
- 4. What was Laverne’s full name?
- 5. What was Shirley’s full name?
- 6. What was Squiggy’s real first name?
- 7. In the first season, who was Laverne’s childhood nemesis?
- 8. In the theme song, what word precedes “incorporated”?
- 9. What was the name of Shirley’s stuffed animal toy?
- 10. What was the name of the brewery Laverne and Shirley worked for?
- 11. After getting laid off at the brewery, where did they work?
- 12. What was the name of Shirley’s boyfriend?
- 13. What did said boyfriend do for a living?
- 14. What was said boyfriend’s nickname?
- 15. Of the four main cast members, who is the last one living?
- 16. According to the theme song, which word did Laverne and Shirley never hear?
- 17. What was Lenny’s full name?
- 18. Where was Laverne’s character originally from?
- 19. What was Squiggy’s catch-phrase?
- 20. What was the name of Laverne’s father?
- 21. What was said father’s term of endearment for Laverne?
- 22. What was the name of said father’s wife?
- 23. When the show moved to the west coast, what was the name of Laverne and Shirley’s neighbor?
- 24. Who was the west-coast landlord and love interest of Laverne?
- 25. What was the name of the cartoon spinoff of Laverne & Shirley?

- 1. Milwaukee and Burbank
- 2. Milk and Pepsi
- 3. 2 ½
- 4. Laverne Marie Defazio
- 5. Shirley Wilhemina Feeney
- 6. Andrew
- 7. Rose Greenbaum
- 8. Hasenpfeffer
- 9. Boo-Boo Kitty
- 10. Shotz
- 11. The Pizza Bowl
- 12. Carmine Ragusa
- 13. During the run of the show, he was a dance instructor. Previously, he was a boxer.
- 14. The Big Ragoo
- 15. Michael McKean (who played Chuck McGill on Better Call Saul)
- 16. Impossible
- 17. Leonard Kosnowski.
- 18. Brooklyn
- 19. Hello!
- 20. Frank Defazio
- 21. Muffin
- 22. Edna
- 23. Rhonda
- 24. Sonny St. Jacques
- 25. Laverne & Shirley in the Army
