2023 Year in Review
Happy new year to all my newsletter readers! This week I’ll take a look back at 2023 in pictures.

In February I made a quick visit to the Grand Canyon. Due to very icy conditions, this was a rare trip to the Grand Canyon where I didn’t make it to the bottom. We then got trapped for about 24 hours in Williams Arizona because a blizzard closed the I-40 highway. However, we made the best of it, and it made for a good story.

As usual, I did too many day hikes and rappels to mention. Here is one picture in Motorcycle Canyon to represent many taken. It is a rite of passage to take a picture on the motorcycle after rappelling into the canyon.

My biggest mountaineering accomplishment of 2023 was climbing Mount Olympus (Washington). This was a five-day trip, including a long class 4 summit day. I may return to Washington in 2024 to add to my list of Washington summits.

August/September 2023 marked my third and best visit to Burning Man. Here I am after the mud was somewhat dried out delivering a tribute to the Temple.

In September Mrs. Wizard and two friends returned to Europe where much of it was spent on a cruise of the western Mediterranean. One of the highlights is winning the ship blackjack tournament, which, to be honest, was not that hard to do.

I could post many pictures from Spain, France, Monaco and Italy, but will let this one speak for many interesting yet touristy places visited in southern Europe.

November saw my return to Catalina Island to hike the Trans Catalina Trail for a second time. Here I am with Black Jack mountain in the background, which, of course, I climbed.

In December the third and longest edition of my book Gambling 102 finally came out. This version has expanded material on how to beat certain slots, video poker and video keno games.

In December I performed my first wedding. Did you know I am an ordained minister in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Overall, 2023 was a good year for me. Nothing especially good nor bad happened, but the status quo is enough. I am hoping 2024 is more adventurous.
In closing, I wish all my newsletter readers a happy new year! Don’t forget about the total eclipse of the sun cutting through Mexico and United Stated on April 8. In the casinos, may the odds be ever in your favor.