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Teen Patti

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Teen Patti is almost the same thing as Three Card Poker. The only differences are a change in the hand order and the addition of special pays for three aces. The game can be found at some Internet casinos, including those using Super Spade Games software.

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Following are the full rules. I will explain the differences between Teen Patti and Three Card Poker following the full rules.

  1. The player makes an Ante bet. At this time, the player may make side bets too (explained later).
  2. The dealer gives each player three cards and himself three cards. The player may examine his own cards. The dealer's cards are dealt face down.
  3. If the player made the Ante bet, then he has must either fold or raise.
  4. If the player folds, then he forfeits his Ante wager.
  5. If the player raises, then he must make an additional Play bet, equal exactly to his Ante bet.
  6. The dealer will turn over his cards.
  7. The dealer needs a queen high or better to qualify.
  8. If the dealer does not qualify, then the player will win even money on the Ante bet and the Play bet will push.
  9. If the dealer qualifies, then the player's hand will be compared to the dealer's hand, the higher hand wins. The order of poker hands is as follows:
    • Three of a kind
    • Straight flush
    • Straight
    • Flush
    • Pair
    • All other
  10. If the player has the higher poker hand then the Ante and Play will both pay even money.
  11. If the dealer has the higher poker hand then the Ante and Play will both lose.
  12. If the player and dealer tie then the Ante and Play bets will push.
  13. If the player made the Ante bet and has a straight or higher then the player will receive an Ante Bonus, regardless of the value of the dealer's hand.
  14. The Pairplus side bet pays based on the player's hand only. The pay table is below.
  15. The 6 Card Bonus side bet pays based on the best five-card poker hand that can be formed between the six cards that form the player and dealer hands. The pay table is below.

The following is the Pairplus pay table. All wins are on a "to one" basis.

Pairplus Pay Table

Hand Pays
Three aces 50
Three 2's-K's 40
Straight flush 30
Straight 6
Flush 3
Pair 1

The following is the 6 Card Bonus pay table. All wins are on a "to one" basis.

6 Card Bonus Pay Table

Hand Pays
Royal flush 1000
Straight flush 200
Four of a kind 100
Full house 20
Flush 15
Straight 10
Three of a kind 7

Here are the differences between Teen Patti and Three Card Poker:

  • Three of a kind is ranked higher than a straight flush.
  • Three aces pays more than three 2's-K's for both the Ante bonus and Pairplus.


Stand with Q-6-4 or better.

Ante & Play Analysis

The following table shows my analysis of the base game, before considering the Ante Bonus.

Ante & Play Analysis

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Win 2 97,354,684 0.239101 0.478201
Dealer doesn't qualify 1 85,493,652 0.209970 0.209970
Push 0 267,648 0.000657 0.000000
Fold -1 132,652,800 0.325792 -0.325792
Loss -2 91,401,616 0.224480 -0.448960
Total   407,170,400 1.000000 -0.086580

The following table is my analysis of the Ante Bonus.

Ante Bonus Analysis

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three aces 5 4 0.000181 0.000905
Three 2's - K's 4 48 0.002172 0.008688
Straight flush 3 48 0.002172 0.006516
Straight 1 720 0.032579 0.032579
Other 0 21,280 0.962896 0.000000
Total   22,100 1.000000 0.048688

The Ante & Bonus table shows that the player can expect to lose 8.66% of an Ante bet per hand, before considering the Ante Bonus. The Ante Bonus table shows an average win of 4.87% per hand. Thus, the overall expected value of both combined is -8.66% + 4.87% = -3.79%. In other words, the house edge is 3.79%. The probability of the player raising is 67.42%, for an average total wager by the end of the hand of 1.674 units. This makes the element of risk, defined as the ratio of expected player loss to the total amount bet, equal to 2.26%.

Pairplus Analysis

The following table is my analysis of the Pairplus bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 6.91%.

Pairplus Analysis

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three aces 50 4 0.000181 0.009050
Three 2's-K's 40 48 0.002172 0.086878
Straight flush 30 48 0.002172 0.065158
Straight 6 720 0.032579 0.195475
Flush 3 1,096 0.049593 0.148778
Pair 1 3,744 0.169412 0.169412
All other -1 16,440 0.743891 -0.743891
Total   22,100 1.000000 -0.069140

6 Card Bonus Analysis

The following table is my analysis of the 6 Card Bonus bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 15.28%.

6 Card Bonus Analysis

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 1000 188 0.000009 0.009234
Straight flush 200 1656 0.000081 0.016268
Four of a kind 50 14664 0.000720 0.036014
Full house 25 165984 0.008153 0.203826
Flush 15 205792 0.010108 0.151626
Straight 10 361620 0.017763 0.177626
Three of a kind 5 732160 0.035963 0.179817
Loser -1 18876456 0.927202 -0.927202
Total   20358520 1 -0.152790

OneTouch Rules

OneTouch, a provider of games for Internet casinos, has a significantly different set of rules for Teen Patti. Rather than write them all out, I will show you a screenshot of their rules page. They claim the RTP is 97.5%. Maybe sometime I'll analyze it myself.

Top 4 OneTouch casinos View All

External Links

Discussion about Teen Patti in my forum at Wizard of Vegas.