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Bowling Poker


Bowling is a silly poker variant where anything can happen and often builds up large pots.


  1. Players make an Ante bet.
  2. The dealer shall lay out ten cards face down in the center of the table in a shape of a triangle, like the arrangement of bowling pins.
  3. There is a round of betting.
  4. The dealer shall turn over the first of the four cards in the row of four.
  5. There is an auction for that card. The winning bidder shall pay the pot and receive the card into his hand.
  6. Rules 4 and 5 are repeated three more times for the other three cards in the row of four.
  7. There is a round of betting.
  8. The three cards in the row of four are turned over. All players must discard any cards matching any of these three cards in rank. These discards are not replaced.
  9. There is a round of betting.
  10. The two cards in the row of two are revealed. These are community cards. All players may use them, even if it matches in rank to a card from rule 8.
  11. There is a round of betting.
  12. The final card is revealed. All cards matching this card in rank are wild. This card itself is not a community card.
  13. There is a final round of betting.
  14. Hands are revealed. The highest ranking poker hand wins.


Please enjoy my blurry video below showing how to play Bowling.

Direct link: youtu.be/Vmmuw9Ws6Dg?si=cxZV1GbRR4Q2Xs8H.