This will be my last newsletter of 2022. I thought I would use the occasion to review the highlights of the year.
I did many rappelling and canyoneering adventures in 2022. Here is one of my local favorites, the Calico Caves, a trip I lead four times this year. Here I am pulling one of my guests into the cave.I am a proud member and leaver of the 52 Peak Club. We lead climbs up 52 peaks in the mountains around Las Vegas. Each time you do a new one, you get a card for that peak. I was proud to complete my first deck on Mummy’s Nose on July 3, where this photo was taken. Currently, I’m 18 cards into a second deck.In February, I completed the last section of a 115-mile kayak journey from the east end of Lake Mead to Davis Dam near Bullhead City, AZ. This picture was taken of a nice cove we used as a campsite the last evening.Speaking of kayaking, here I am climbing up the Gager’s Station north of Willow Beach. I have wanted to get up there for 20 years. One day the river was high enough to reach the ladder, so I seized the opportunity, despite obstacles to prevent people like me from going up.Another backpacking trip I crossed off my bucket list was Santa Cruz island. I did a three-day trip from Prisoner’s Cove to Scorpion Ranch. Here I am atop High Mount along the way.My biggest single accomplishment of the year was completing the 72-mile High Sierra trail. Here I am with my traveling companions Nolan and Tina atop Mount Whitney. In the newsletter archives I have six entries about our six-day journey.In September and October I enjoyed a four-week trip to France, Monaco, and Bavaria. I wrote previous newsletters on things to do in Paris and Munich.One of my favorite trips of the year was the Subway in Zion. We rappelled in via the Russell Gulch. The pictures of me had technical issues, so here is one of our trip leader, Luis. I hope to repeat this trip in 2023, if I can get permits, which is not easy.Over spring break, I did a family trip to Kauai, my fifth time to Hawaii but first to the Garden Island. Behind me are the Wailua Falls, otherwise known as the waterfalls seen in the opening of Fantasy Island.I was happy to make a second trip to Burning Man. Here I am with one of my heroes, Wonderhussy who did a show I am too shy to describe.
Hopefully you enjoyed take this trip down memory lane with me. It was difficult to pick just a handful of pictures to represent the whole year.
In closing, I wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous 2023!