Catholic Trivia
I was pleasantly surprised to get no known complaints about my last two newsletters on Joe Biden and Donald Trump trivia. In celebration of the thick skins of my newsletter followers, I present Catholic trivia this week. Hopefully promoting Internet gambling at the same time is a venial sin only. The answers are based on the Catholic point of view. Protestant and Orthodox Christians may believe otherwise. If anyone believes any of my answers are incorrect, I welcome correction.
- Who appeared with Jesus during the Transfiguration?
- Which country has the highest Catholic population?
- Which two people in the bible died and their bodies later taken to Heaven?
- Who is the mother of John the Baptist?
- Who told Mary to name her child Jesus?
- Other than Elijah and Enoch, which people will never die?
- What three sacraments should be administered to the dying?
- Saintly people in Old Testament times went where after dying?
- What is the purpose of purgatory?
- Besides the cross, what other symbol represents Christianity?
- According to the Second Vatican Council, what musical instrument should be held in high esteem at Mass?
- What is believed to be Jesus’ blood type?
- Why are shamrocks associated with Saint Patrick’s Day?
- What three vows must a friar take?

Photo: Wizard at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Moses and Elijah.
- Brazil (151 million). Mexico has 90 million and the US 68 million.
- Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
- Elizabeth.
- The angel Gabriel.
- Believers who are alive on the “last day.”
- Confession, communion (the last one is known as Viaticum), and anointing of the sick.
- Limbo of the Fathers / Bosom of Abraham.
- To purge sin from the soul.
- A fish.
- The pipe organ.
- AB, as mainly evidenced by a blood test done on the Shroud of Turin.
- Saint Patrick used them as an analogy to the trinity.
- Poverty, celibacy, and obedience. Diocesan priests are not required to take a vow of poverty.